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cool lego stuff

[Jul 25,2006 3:00pm - succubus ""]
so on my trip or orlando i went to legoland and got some legos for the rev and i...they have a digital designer where you can dl their software, design somethign and they prepare the legos you need to make it
[Jul 25,2006 3:08pm - succubus ""]
[Jul 25,2006 3:16pm - jared_the_zompire ""]
Legos are wicked awsome. I'm going to have to download this when I get home.
[Jul 25,2006 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
i used to have thousands of Lego sets. that was the best part of being a kid. one of the top greatest events in my life was detonating the Lego castle. that was 4th of July weekend, and this morning i came out to see some landscapers mowing the island thing we blew it up on, and i could hear Legos being sucked into the mower. awesome.
[Jul 25,2006 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
i want a Lego Death Star.
[Jul 25,2006 3:21pm - jared_the_zompire ""]
I still have all mine.
[Jul 25,2006 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
mine have been sold in yard sales throughout the years. i managed to salvage a few, but most have disappeared.

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