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Has anyone ever been to New Zealand?

[Jul 27,2006 10:46am - litacore ""]
Library job opening in Wellington. A bit beyond my experience, but an interesting daydream. I heard they have SOME black metal there, too.

[Jul 27,2006 10:48am - Yeti ""]
New Zealand is really Middle Earth. LOTR werent movies, they were documentaries. Orcs are native to New Zealand.
[Jul 27,2006 10:56am - litacore ""]
hahaha, Eowyn rocks. She kicked The Witch King's ass (with Merry's help)
[Jul 27,2006 11:00am - Messerschmitt ""]
i'm poor as fuck. i haven't been past new fucking jersey.
[Jul 27,2006 11:07am - bogus rendition  ""]
I would like to go one of these days. I have a friend who did a bunch of photography of the volcanos on the south island (I think where they filmed most of Mordor) and they are really rad.
[Jul 27,2006 11:13am - Granny_Monster ""]
I've always wanted to go there, it's fucking gorgeous!
[Jul 27,2006 11:13am - niccolai ""]
I was born there (inglewood specifically). Lived there up untill like 6-7 years ago, and typicaly go back every febuary for the month but I haven't in the past couple years.
[Jul 27,2006 11:44am - KillerKadoogan ""]
MoneyBaggz Schwaggz
[Jul 27,2006 11:46am - vomitthesoul ""]
No Ive never been there. Ive only been been out of the US once in my life

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