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Video: Man destroys town with armored bulldozer

[Jul 28,2006 8:52am - The Revealer  ""]
I want one of these..

[Jul 28,2006 8:57am - Messerschmitt ""]
was this out in colorado? i remember this. when i worked construction i brought the article in for my 70 year old boss and he got a kick out of it.
[Jul 28,2006 9:20am - jesus ""]
hahaha, the 'faceoff' was the best
[Jul 28,2006 9:23am - Messerschmitt ""]
nice. i just watched it. that's how you go out.
[Jul 28,2006 9:32am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Messerschmitt said:that's how you go out.

YES. Yes it is.
[Jul 28,2006 9:35am - ct borderpatrol  ""]
THANK YOU! ive been lookin for this for a while

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