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Titan added to Doomriders/Saviours show 8/1

[Jul 30,2006 6:26pm - VoidExpression ""]
I don't know how long this has been the case, but I just noticed that Titan from NYC has been added to that Doomriders/Saviours show at Great Scott Tuesday. If you haven't heard these guys, there are samples here: http://www.paradigms-recordings.com/store.html (check out the rest of the label also, they've released some awesome stuff recently). It's some pretty amazing stuff if you're into the spacey psychedelic thing.
[Aug 1,2006 11:22am - VoidExpression ""]
Go see an awesome band tonight!
[Aug 1,2006 11:23am - RichHorror ""]
Last time I saw Doomriders at GS they said it was their last time playing there. Bastards.
[Aug 1,2006 1:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

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