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guess what i broke at work today?

[Jul 31,2006 12:00pm - succubus ""]
i kept on getting the "low toner" message..usually you take it out (it's heavy) and shake it and put it back...well after trying that 3 times and not having luck...i started shaking it by taping one end on the ground really hard...causing everyone around to think someone was working on construction in the area...i put it back it...still no luck...like i said..it's heavy...so after 4 times of doing that...and my coworkers telling me i was abusing it...i took it and threw it down the aisle...and a piece actually broke off it..i've done that before and it resulted in the ink being fine afterwards for a while..oh well...i told management that it slipped out of my hands...but 3 people saw what i did and we're cracking up about it
[Jul 31,2006 1:02pm - anonymous  ""]
I think were probably all a mere printer break away from clubbing every electronic device in our office's with a bat.
[Jul 31,2006 1:18pm - xmikex ""]
Carina's one-man production of Office Space.
[Jul 31,2006 1:19pm - Yeti ""]
i broke wind at work today
[Jul 31,2006 1:39pm - succubus ""]
ok i almost punched someone out...turns out the heavy part i was shaking...as others had showed me...was not the toner but part of the actual printer...and i broke it...so of course the know it all saw the part i was shaking said nothing until the IT guy came over because i called him and asked him for another toner..and she was so loud "OH MY GOD YOU BROKE PART OF THE PRINTER"...grrrr she's lucky she left because had she repeated it again i wouldnt' have just said "well you tell me it's not that part now? how come when i was shaking it no one said a word"

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