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Sox game tonight.

[Aug 2,2006 1:43pm - brian_dc ""]
Just had to kill a few of the right people to get in the damn door...ha!

Oh well, guess it's not deserving of a thread, but it gets one anyway.
[Aug 2,2006 1:49pm - DomesticTerror ""]
you gonna be hot! i'm going in tomorrow, and i heard the high is gonna be like 84 degrees.
[Aug 2,2006 2:00pm - jesus ""]
i'll be there, i've seen lester pitch the kids a monster

and just a heads up they'd stoppd serving beer in the 6th cause of the heat.
[Aug 2,2006 3:27pm - anonymous  ""]
they regulated the train's so they can't go over 40 today. i guess the heat causes the tracks to warp, which increases risk of derailment.. Never knew that.. anyone else?
[Aug 2,2006 3:28pm - BornSoVile ""]
losing tek could be a crippling blow to the team. i'm curious to see how the pitching staff will carry on. it's not like he didn't earn being the captain by not working his ass off.
[Aug 2,2006 3:45pm - nate ""]
DomesticTerror said:you gonna be hot! i'm going in tomorrow, and i heard the high is gonna be like 84 degrees.

it is over a 100 degres here today! 84 is tolerable compared to this mess. The humidity brings the index into 110-ish....
[Aug 2,2006 3:58pm - jesus ""]
jesus said: and just a heads up they'd stoppd serving beer in the 6th cause of the heat.

scratch that, that was a couple games ago. somone that was there yesterday said they stoppd serving after only a couple innings :shocked: not cool
[Aug 3,2006 12:49am - brian_dc ""]
awesome game. A nice big cloud went over the stadium right before game time, so it wasn't absolutely ridiculous.
[Aug 3,2006 12:51am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah i love these movie esque endings but damn cant we just kick the shit outta teams like we did a few years ago and not have to wait till the last batter of the game anymore.
[Aug 3,2006 12:54am - brian_dc ""]
yeah dude...being excited that we only gave up 5 runs is no good.

Also, fat annoying lady...and average sized southern exceedingly annoying guy...you can both get married and have children that will kill you after you spend all your money on college funds

[Aug 3,2006 9:07am - B  ""]
yeah fenway is full of douche bags these days, who talk all the way through the game about every thing besides the game. I was seriously gonna murder these yuppie fucks on tuesday.

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