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8/8 RI Psyopus show cancelled - Psyopus looking to play another show

[Aug 8,2006 5:05pm - arpmandude ""]
Apparently the band organizing the show broke up and handed the show off to another band - this band then broke up and handed it off to some other band - noone told any of the touring bands about this.

The show is not on the living rooms website or the phone message when you call the venue.

Psyopus - Shroud of Turin - The Concubine - we are all assuming the show is not going on ESPECIALLY considering none of us our going to this sketchy scenerio of a show.


Psyopus is in Wakefield, MA tonight and we are playing in Kingston, NY tomorrow. We would LOVE TO PLAY SOME FORM OF A HOUSE PARTY OR JUMP ON A SHOW TONIGHT IF THAT IS A POSSIBILITY.

Call me at 585-259-6069 if you have any ideas.

[Aug 8,2006 5:11pm - brian_dc ""]
Hey, I'm in the "second band that broke up". Well, we didn't break up, but we aren't playing shows right now.

Just wanted to clear up that we never had the show "handed to us." It was given to a guy who booked at the living room at the time. I don't know what happened, but he doesn't work there anymore. Only one band was ever responsible for this show. And it wasn't us. Sorry.
[Aug 8,2006 5:19pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I think this needs to be cleared up...

brian, can you call acariya? I wish I had one of their numbers.
[Aug 8,2006 5:25pm - brian_dc ""]
calling Josh now
[Aug 8,2006 5:26pm - arpmandude ""]
SOT got a hold of me today asking if the show had been cancelled.

The only contact I had was from the original promoter.

I called a couple fo times to no answer. I even called the venue and the message on their phone said nothing about the "show" tonight whereas it listed off other shows up until tonight.

I guess we missed out on a roller derby.

So, . . . noone ever told me the promoter had changed.

The "old" promoter got a hold of me eventually and told me what he had told me.

I relayed the info back to SOT and they told me that they and The Concubine were already not planning on going because they believed the show wasn't going on - and that one of the other bands on the bill had broken up or weren't playing.

We were anxious to play the show but, this lack of communication is crap and driving to shows that aren't happening makes the crap steam up even more.
[Aug 8,2006 5:28pm - brian_dc ""]
Josh hadn't heard anything about it.
[Aug 8,2006 5:29pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm sorry man, the only reason no one said anything is because the "old" promoter said that everything was all set with the guarantees and all that. I didn't hear about him not working there until like 2 days ago and didn't think anything of it.
[Aug 8,2006 5:30pm - brian_dc ""]
If the Living Room is taking up the policy of dropping previously booked shows, than I think there is a serious issue with the venue.
[Aug 8,2006 5:32pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it! I was just conversing via email with albert (decibel) this morning about being pissed since I had a radio show and missed last night, but i'd get to see them tonight albiet not in as good of a place/crowd.
[Aug 8,2006 5:34pm - arpmandude ""]
We wanted to hump your leg Aaron, . . . do you live near Wakefield? I want to jam the new disk for you.
[Aug 8,2006 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
wakefield's like an hour away from my house. but right now it would take me longer to get there than to get to PVD cause of the damn traffic.

I'm going to sit at work for a while longer and hope that something gets worked out.
[Aug 8,2006 5:42pm - arpmandude ""]
Understandable, . . . got any ideas of somewhere we could throw a last minute show together?
[Aug 8,2006 5:42pm - brian_dc ""]
I just called everyone I could think of who could set up a last minute show and I had no luck. Crap.
[Aug 8,2006 5:43pm - cavnli  ""]
since i was the one involved on the dc side...ill tell my side of the story...

the departed originally booked this show and was responsible for everything. when they broke up, rossi asked me to take responsibility for the show. i said no (explained to him that i wanted nothing to do with paying 3 touring bands almost 500 bucks for a show thats not gonna draw those numbers, keeping in mind that the living room takes about 300-400 off the top to pay the sound guy, bouncers, electricity, and shit). from here i spoke to aaron at the living room (the main booker for shows at the living room, who aparently doesnt work there anymore as of about 2 weeks ago). this was in may/june. i explained to him what rossi had told me about the guarantees and he said that he thought that they would be able to pay the touring bands with a 10 dollar door and that the show would be going on still. after we lost our drummer i contacted the living room on myspace about it and told them to get 2 new locals for the show since us and the departed arent playing. i got a message back stating that aaron isnt working at the living room anymore (and whoever is now wont tell me who they are), and whoever i wanted to replace us just let them know and they will put them on. i told them to get acariya and porphyria. porphyria couldnt play so i told him to get the miles between. then i heard about this today.

for the record, this totally sucks. i wanted to see all the bands on this show really bad. this was prolly gonna be the best show of the summer. psyopus is so fuckin amazing live. oh well, now i have nothing to do tonight. get in touch with me if you wanna hang.
[Aug 8,2006 5:50pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh lost his password  ""]
a friend of mine has a basement I can try and coherce him into letting you guys play it.
[Aug 8,2006 6:24pm - cavnli  ""]
aparetnly the living room dudes are still expecting the touring bands. a friend of acariya says 2 bands are already there. so a show is still going on. there may be only 3 bands tho.
[Aug 8,2006 6:28pm - arpmandude ""]
If we can get a number to call at the venue where someone will answer the phone then I will call and confirm the show is going on and confirm we are getting our guarantee and then we will bust tail over there. I KNOW SOT are not playing and they also said the concubine is not playing.
[Aug 8,2006 6:31pm - cavnli  ""]
im on it
[Aug 8,2006 6:34pm - the_reverend ""]
probably TMB and acariya showed up.
[Aug 8,2006 7:01pm - blue ""]
yeah, TMB is definetly playing. saw john today and he confirmed this shizzle.
[Aug 8,2006 7:04pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it.. now I have to leave ASAP.

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