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venom just fucking CANCELLED

[Aug 8,2006 5:52pm - litacore ""]

easy there, Deicide Jr.!

NYC poss. rescheduled for September 5, but who fuckin' knows at this point.
[Aug 8,2006 6:36pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Figures. The one band I would road trip for this year.
[Aug 8,2006 6:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Although, if it really does happen on Sept. 5th, and then Carnivore is playing on Sept. 6th, that would be one helluva weekend.
[Aug 9,2006 9:47am - litacore ""]
as far as I can see, 9/5 is a go
[Aug 9,2006 11:19am - Josh_Martin ""]
Remember when Venom was supposed to play in CA a few years back? They canceled and rescheduled like 3 times before finally canceling for good.
[Aug 9,2006 11:32am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I'm not going to invest until I 100% hear that the date is a go.
[Aug 9,2006 12:17pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Too bad, I was really looking forward to see Devildriver again.
[Aug 9,2006 12:23pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 11,2006 2:53pm - Josh_Martin ""]
More good new. Devildriver will NOT be on the rescheduled dates!!!

Venom and Celtic Frost should've toured together.
[Aug 11,2006 3:01pm - litacore ""]
Cold Lake is even gayer than Devildriver (what were the odds?)
[Aug 11,2006 3:03pm - dreadkill ""]
litacore said:Cold Lake is even gayer than Devildriver (what were the odds?)

nothing is gayer than devildriver, except for the other nu-metal bands who jumped to the current trend like they did.

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