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if anyone wants free press kit or web design

[Aug 9,2006 11:54am - litacore ""]
I'm your gal, all I ask is that you let me include examples/links in my design portfolio.


[Aug 9,2006 11:59am - the_reverend ""]
sucking janitors off isn't paying what it used to, eh?
[Aug 9,2006 11:59am - powerkok ""]
Ohhh snap.
Zinged by Mr Peepers Pepelis.
[Aug 9,2006 12:10pm - litacore ""]
the_reverend said:sucking janitors off isn't paying what it used to, eh?


I can't exactly put the FOOTAGE of that pole smokin' in my online portfolio (well...I used to, but porn gets boring when it was your JOB for a year!)
[Aug 9,2006 12:19pm - the_reverend ""]
pole smoking? I thought carina said they were all girls?
[Aug 9,2006 12:46pm - litacore ""]
at the phoenix?

maybe they're all shemales, I dunno. Good for them, if so.
[Aug 9,2006 1:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You can do press kits for my CD releases if you want, drop me an email:

[Aug 9,2006 1:24pm - hoser ""]
You were a porn chick? Let's hump!! I always wanted to hump a porn chick.
[Aug 9,2006 1:33pm - litacore ""]
[Aug 9,2006 1:46pm - hoser ""]
Ummmmm.....no. You can't have one of my tootsie pops either. Hmpfff!!

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