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Anyone heard the new Goblin?

[Aug 11,2006 6:05pm - VoidExpression ""]
Mine just arrived in the mail today and I was wondering if anyone has had the chance to check out the new Goblin album.
[Aug 11,2006 6:18pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
as in amazing Italian soundtrack band?
[Aug 11,2006 6:25pm - VoidExpression ""]
Yup, back together with almost original lineup minus Simonetti, who is kind of important, but whatever. It's nice to have them back.
[Aug 11,2006 6:27pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
fuck - i need this
[Aug 11,2006 6:41pm - powerkok ""]
I heard a goblin in the woods...it was going....DOOD...Jesse, got any food?
I ran away, shreiking, like Pam eyeing a black weiner.
[Aug 11,2006 7:59pm - litacore ""]
Drew please play some on yer show Sunday

could you please post the label URL or ordering info?
[Aug 11,2006 9:40pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 12,2006 1:01am - VoidExpression ""]
I was going to use it as my background music this week and I'll let it go a little longer than I normally would before I ruin everything by speaking. I think the only way to buy it is from the band themselves at http://www.goblinhome.com/shop.php .
[Aug 12,2006 2:57am - Dissector ""]
How is it? I'll probably download it I love pretty much all their stuff.
[Aug 16,2006 9:46pm - VoidExpression ""]
Anyone who is interested, here is the mp3 of the show from the past week with all of the new Goblin snippets, you just have ignore my crappy talking over the top of them. Be warned, the site is sloooooooow so it will take some time to load.

8/13/06 Void Expression

To make the thread hijack complete, if on the off-chance that you like what you hear, suscribe to the podcast or check out the really shitty reviews I just started doing (updated daily).

Void Expression Reviews
[Aug 16,2006 9:47pm - VoidExpression ""]
And yeah, the new album is pretty awesome.
[Aug 17,2006 1:07am - Dissector ""]
What's the name of it?
[Aug 17,2006 7:38am - VoidExpression ""]
Back to the Goblin
[Aug 17,2006 12:42pm - dreadkill ""]
i didn't know this was out yet

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