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Resevoir dogs on tonight on IFC

[Aug 13,2006 12:54pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
9pm ET
[Aug 13,2006 1:03pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
I'm fuggckin dyin larry i'm fugkcin duigjbdjhbd

[Aug 13,2006 2:58pm - litacore ""]
If you want to know something he won't tell you, cut off one of his fingers--the little one.

Then tell him his thumb's next.

After that he'll tell you if he ears ladies underwear.

[Aug 13,2006 3:03pm - pam ""]
Fucking awesome movie.
[Aug 13,2006 4:13pm - sinistas ""]
I bought it for $4 at Best Buy. Woo.
[Aug 13,2006 4:16pm - pam ""]
pretty sure I stole mine from Blockbuster when I worked there.
[Aug 13,2006 6:32pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Aug 13,2006 7:04pm - sinistas ""]
pam said:pretty sure I stole mine from Blockbuster when I worked there.

another Cockbuster alum. wootles.
[Aug 13,2006 7:07pm - pam ""]
sinistas said:pam said:pretty sure I stole mine from Blockbuster when I worked there.

another Cockbuster alum. wootles.

Fuckin' hated that job. The free rentals were cool though. And having a boss that did bonghits with me in the basement wasn't so bad, either.
[Aug 13,2006 7:30pm - sinistas ""]
yeah, agreed, minus the bonghits. I was addicted to cherry coke at the time.
[Aug 13,2006 7:33pm - pam ""]
Dude, that's all I drank. We were always out of it.
[Aug 13,2006 7:37pm - sinistas ""]
I singlehandedly kept it stocked in our store because I bought it so much...until it was replaced with Dasani, those fucks.
[Aug 13,2006 7:41pm - pam ""]
My favorite part of the job was watching the Arabs come in and try to open the basement door looking for the "adult rrrrroom"
[Aug 13,2006 7:55pm - sinistas ""]
lol, yeah. "this is a FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT store"
[Aug 13,2006 8:07pm - pam ""]
Exactly. And then you'd have to repeat it 200 times because they don't speak fucking English.

I also loved when drunk people would call to settle bets on who played so and so from somerandommovie.
[Aug 13,2006 9:09pm - sinistas ""]
also a classic.

I worked all sorts of illegal shifts when I was there, which was always a fun time.
[Aug 13,2006 9:15pm - anonymous  ""]
is this on comcast what channel?

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