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[Oct 17,2003 12:19am - RustedAngel ""]
fucking 11th Inning, tied 5-5

is this shit ever going to end?

[Oct 17,2003 12:20am - succubus ""]
i'm glad i'm out of the city
[Oct 17,2003 12:21am - the_reverend ""]
funny.. I just bumped the "fuck you soxes" thread too.
oh yeah, FUCK YOU SOX... please loose now!
[Oct 17,2003 12:22am - RustedAngel ""]

[Oct 17,2003 12:24am - jesus ""]
FUCK YOU grady little
[Oct 17,2003 12:24am - the_reverend ""]
so fucking gay.. they are all crying and hugging like fags.
I'm so happy the sox lost.

all these dumb fucks are kissing and shit.
[Oct 17,2003 12:26am - the_reverend ""]
jesus, I think it's funny that 2 secs after the game, you are here.
what do you think is happening in boston now?
[Oct 17,2003 12:28am - babysbreath ""]
lots of cars and/or cops being tipped over.

fuck boone, fuck the yankees, fuck you, i'm going to bed
[Oct 17,2003 12:28am - the_reverend ""]
succubus, did you see the nikon wrapped in the plastic wrap in the locker room?
[Oct 17,2003 12:29am - jesus ""]
the_reverend said:jesus, I think it's funny that 2 secs after the game, you are here.

i was here for the bottom of the inning, i coudlnt' stand to watch it man
[Oct 17,2003 12:30am - RustedAngel ""]
*** Auto-response sent to Linkrx7: RED SOX ARE GONNA LOSE!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA
c0nstr1ct: hahaha fucking christ
c0nstr1ct: 11th inning
c0nstr1ct: HAHA
c0nstr1ct: fags
Linkrx7: FU tom
c0nstr1ct: lost
Linkrx7: go to hell
*** "Linkrx7" signed off at Fri Oct 17 00:24:29 2003.

hahah, best convo ever!
[Oct 17,2003 12:30am - MyDeadDoll ""]
stupid baseball is taking up valuable sitcom time... or... i'm just bitter because every AZ sports team sucks ass
[Oct 17,2003 12:35am - succubus ""]
score was 4 sox yankees 0 as i left the show...

cops all around and i took these while walking...so sorry if they are blurry



[Oct 17,2003 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
it took away fucking simpsons!
hate ahte hate hate the soxes
[Oct 17,2003 12:41am - MyDeadDoll ""]
I'm in Simpsons withdrawl... But I think the Halloween episodes are on DVD now... hummm...
[Oct 17,2003 12:55am - the_reverend ""]
wow.. those cops doing look very impatient.
they must not really be waiting for the soxes to loose
[Oct 17,2003 1:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
pedro's asshole is loose.

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