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Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [bane_of_existence][downfall][internal_suffering][origin][sexcrement]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Aug 18,2006 1:12am - BornSoVile ""]
Apparently Rudra and Decomposed won't be able to make the show.

Saturday August 19th


The Middle East Upstairs
480 Mass Ave

[Aug 18,2006 1:34am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Only 4 bands now?
[Aug 18,2006 2:00am - anonymous  ""]
im glad because now ill get to see almost all of origin
[Aug 18,2006 6:47am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Yep. This is true. I guess Rudra had Visa trouble again (shocker) and couldn't make it into the country. There may also be 1 more band too, pushing the lineup back to 5 bands. Just waiting on confirmation. I'll keep everyone posted since Joe has apparently become a recluse. I think he's out right now shopping the market for descreet log cabins in the wilderness.
[Aug 18,2006 7:35am - Anthony nli  ""]
shit.... i have to get there late because we're playing a basement show in Allston. I didnt really care about missing Rudra and Decomposed but it sucks to miss Sexcrement.
[Aug 18,2006 9:41am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 18,2006 10:27am - blue nli  ""]
need an opening band?
[Aug 18,2006 12:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I was hoping GOREALITY would get on this.
[Aug 18,2006 12:35pm - blue nli  ""]
i was hoping PORPHYRIA would get on this.
[Aug 18,2006 12:42pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
So there is a basement show in Allston, a Heavy Metal Breakdown, and ORIGIN allon the same night?

[Aug 18,2006 12:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
origin asked us to get on this.
[Aug 18,2006 12:44pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hatchet got asked also, but two of us already have a show booked with ExAgenda at Heavy Metal Breakdown.
[Aug 18,2006 12:46pm - animalrampage ""]
whos playing the basement show?
[Aug 18,2006 12:53pm - Anthony nli  ""]
animalrampage said:whos playing the basement show?

Revocation, 26 Beers and I have no clue who else. It's mainly a punk/hardcore show.

I'll see if it's cool to post the address and details and put them up here if it is.
[Aug 18,2006 12:54pm - animalrampage ""]
Anthony nli said:animalrampage said:whos playing the basement show?

Revocation, 26 Beers and I have no clue who else. It's mainly a punk/hardcore show.

I'll see if it's cool to post the address and details and put them up here if it is.

yeah or PM me. I'd like to see you guys again before the end of the summer
[Aug 18,2006 12:54pm - Anthony nli  ""]
blue nli said:i was hoping PORPHYRIA would get on this.

that made me laugh Blue
[Aug 18,2006 12:56pm - Anthony nli  ""]
animalrampage said:Anthony nli said:animalrampage said:whos playing the basement show?

Revocation, 26 Beers and I have no clue who else. It's mainly a punk/hardcore show.

I'll see if it's cool to post the address and details and put them up here if it is.

yeah or PM me. I'd like to see you guys again before the end of the summer

Yeah dude, we'd love to see you at a show. We have one tomorrow night, the 19th (Allston), and also the 1st (Worcester), 9th (Amherst), and 10th (Allston) of September.
[Aug 18,2006 1:27pm - anonymous  ""]
I'm leaving for Spain on Aug.27th so I'll probably come to the basement show and then go and catch BOE and Origin
[Aug 18,2006 1:28pm - Anthony nli  ""]
anonymous said:I'm leaving for Spain on Aug.27th so I'll probably come to the basement show and then go and catch BOE and Origin

cool, I'll PM you with the details when I get them. I'll head over to the Middle East with you because there's no way I'm missing IS or Origin.
[Aug 18,2006 1:29pm - animalrampage ""]
fo real
[Aug 18,2006 3:30pm - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
someone should bump proteus on this show, that would be fucking brutal
[Aug 18,2006 3:31pm - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
[Aug 18,2006 3:34pm - VoidExpression ""]
No Rudra makes me sad.
[Aug 18,2006 4:52pm - anonymous  ""]
The show's back up to 5 bands. Thanks to all who offered to play and fill this spot on short notice. Final lineup last to first:

Internal Suffering
Bane of Existence
[Aug 18,2006 5:19pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
fuckin shit! i wish i was able to make it to this show :( glad to see sexcrement on the bill
[Aug 18,2006 5:21pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
dammit i thought it was tonight..oh well
[Aug 19,2006 2:30am - mark fucking richards  ""]
awww shit, looks like i can go now!!!! see everyone there!
[Aug 19,2006 2:54am - porphyria  ""]
got to see this show with Estuary in ny, it was freakin' awesome. I also saw dwyer, and swamplord there!
[Aug 19,2006 3:03am - the_reverend ""]
whoah.. swamploard travelled out there? the buffolo must have been running fast.
[Aug 19,2006 7:08am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yeah, it's always cool to run into locals when I am far away.

Marsi went to visit a friend in NYC and Swamplord went with her.

MORTAL DECAY were great, too bad they aren't on the Boston date anymore.
[Aug 19,2006 10:00am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
anyone know when roughly origin will go on?

I know I want to catch them but I have to pick up my brother at the airport at 930.
[Aug 19,2006 2:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 19,2006 3:18pm - handinjury ""]
What time is 1st band?
[Aug 19,2006 3:35pm - blue nli  ""]
8 looks like it.
[Aug 19,2006 4:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Going to be a great show.
[Aug 19,2006 4:52pm - anonymous  ""]
8.30-9 downfall
9.15-9.45 sexcrement
10-10.30 bane of existence
10.45-11.30 internal suffering
11.45-12:30 origin
[Aug 20,2006 12:40am - the_reverend ""]
rudra not make a show?

there is a really good crowd here. Much more that other shows here.

downfall: they got a lot more heavy since the last time I saw them. A lot of the earlier sepultura sound doesn't seem to be there any more. It just seems like f'in brutal dm. They was a chunk of the crowd that came just for them. I think it was a great idea to toss them on at the last minute.

Sexcrement: they are over 200 pounds lighter. There wasn't that big ital lump taking up the stage either. I almost convinced mark to make an appearance. He ran off all excited to get his equipment, but it didn't work out. He just stood on the side of the stage with his tail between and a tear in his eye. Don't worry, there will always be a pabst blue beer shower just for you. the crowd was pretty excellent for them. It seems like the rest of the band is filling up all the new space by spreading out as much as they can on stage.
[Aug 20,2006 12:43am - the_reverend ""]
bane of existence: first time seeing them with out jim (so I was told). They also got a new guitar player (4 practices) who is from some band that. Their set started out with sort of a 1/2 filled audience, but by the end, that place was pretty packed. They played really well too. It's funny seeing old BOE in the back of the stage and new BOE in the front. Dusty was suppose to toss a bunch of diapers on to the crowd, but couldn't figure out the trash bag so he just sort of poured them out on some kid in the front row who seemed really really angry about it. speaking of not figuring out things, MSD couldn't figure out the sampler. So they didn't play samples at all... Er... Well.. Planned samples that is. They played a bunch of new songs, but the best was after 2 new songs, they played art of fisting and doug came out on the stage, sanging along with dusty. That ruled.

after their set, MSD was outside trying to unload a few washing machines, bread makers, and a marshall cab with one broken speaker.
[Aug 20,2006 12:46am - the_reverend ""]
internal suffering: I'm guessing they found an exceptionally good price on colored banners. They were in full on colors here, even more than incantation. The crowd went ape shit for them. I thought as their set went on, everything just got nastier and nastier. The sound was ok at the beginning, but turn completely crushing as the set went on. The song after they played the sample was amazing. Easily the best song of the whole set. One of the best things about seeing one of the hispanics bands is all the crazy smack they yell. Stuff that you don't learn in school. Every other word is puta, merda, or borracho.
If someone's heard the brian posehn song, who exactly was the angry mexican in the pit?
[Aug 20,2006 12:51am - succubus ""]
hopefully you'll be coming home with a bread maker then...
[Aug 20,2006 2:52am - the_reverend ""]
working on pictures.
[Aug 20,2006 3:05am - porphyria  ""]

and some Exclusive mothafukin' Malignancy Studio Photo's from today...
[Aug 20,2006 3:19am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 20,2006 4:15am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fun show! All the bands were fucking great. Thanks to Joe setting it up and of course to mr Aaron for taking pictures.

the_reverend said:MSD couldn't figure out the sampler

Middle East's jack I was plugging into was fucked up. Origin had a similar problem during their sound check. The eagerness (impatience?) of the band made it impossible to troubleshoot. By then it was too late to get a decent level on the thing :(

Good times anyway, though. I'm fucking tired.
[Aug 20,2006 4:38am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
2 great shows, 2 nights in a row.
[Aug 20,2006 9:29am - mark fucking richards  ""]
the_reverend said:

Sexcrement: they are over 200 pounds lighter. There wasn't that big ital lump taking up the stage either. I almost convinced mark to make an appearance. He ran off all excited to get his equipment, but it didn't work out. He just stood on the side of the stage with his tail between and a tear in his eye. Don't worry, there will always be a pabst blue beer shower just for you. the crowd was pretty excellent for them. It seems like the rest of the band is filling up all the new space by spreading out as much as they can on stage.

haha, you dick.

it was weird as hell watching the band i was in for the past 10 months, but it sounded fucking awesome. overall, i'd say this show was perfect.
[Aug 20,2006 12:56pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Sexcrement is fucking nasty.
[Aug 20,2006 1:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Josh should die for spilling a beer on my distro!

Luckily all the CDs are sealed and I dried them off quickly.
[Aug 20,2006 1:29pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think Josh spilled a bunch of beer in his mouth. All night.
[Aug 20,2006 2:12pm - swinesack nli  ""]
the Origin bass player is a genius and my new hero. and he's got a sick skullet to boot.
[Aug 20,2006 3:25pm - Aegathis ""]
I never thought Adam felt this way about me before
[Aug 20,2006 4:38pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 20,2006 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
you mean chomo.. not to be confused with chmod.
[Aug 20,2006 4:41pm - kevord ""]
This show made me wish I paid more attention in spanish class in high school.
[Aug 20,2006 7:11pm - anonymous  ""]
the_reverend said:not to be confused with chmod.


kevord said:This show made me wish I paid more attention in spanish class in high school.

[Aug 20,2006 7:19pm - handinjury ""]
Internal Suffering video from the show.
[Aug 20,2006 7:23pm - anonymous  ""]
why isn't this on the main page?
[Aug 20,2006 9:34pm - Shannon  ""]
where are the pictures from this show?
[Aug 20,2006 9:49pm - Anthony nli  ""]
got to the club in time to see the tail end of BOE (who are waaaaaaay better with the new lineup, first time seeing this lineup), IS and Origin.

Origin fucking slayed. I think I prefer them as a 4 piece honestly, it was a much tighter, cleaner sound than last year when they came around. Longstreth is a fucking wizard and played impeccably. I was really really impressed. He lives up to all the hype.
[Aug 20,2006 10:44pm - anonymous  ""]
Shannon said:where are the pictures from this show?

at the top of the page, frutcake
[Aug 21,2006 1:37am - quintessence  ""]
Brutal fucking show. I got my nose broken during BOE, sorry about the blood in the bathroom!

Origin should of played longer.
[Aug 21,2006 9:03am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Anthony nli said:got to the club in time to see the tail end of BOE (who are waaaaaaay better with the new lineup, first time seeing this lineup)

Thanks man, we appreciate it. I think everyone can expect things to be a lot tighter from here on out without anybody in the band embarrassingly playing noisy garbage anymore.

quintessence said:I got my nose broken during BOE, sorry about the blood in the bathroom!

Holy shit, really? What happened?
[Aug 21,2006 10:14am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You need to tell your vocalist to try to not say 'fuck' every other word while on stage.
[Aug 21,2006 2:03pm - ungentle exhumation  ""]
origin is amazing. thhey have have to be one of the tightest bands on the planet.
and man boe sounded so much fuckin better. the old guitarist is awful compared to the new guys. definately makes a huge difference
[Aug 21,2006 2:15pm - fishcakes ""]
they wern't that bad before.
[Aug 21,2006 8:16pm - thrash or be thrashed!!!  ""]
this was the best so far i've seen downfall play,sexcrement was good also,bane kicked ass,first time seeing them,internal was demolishing and origin never dissapoint.with a scale of 1 to 10 this was a well rounded 10...congrats to everyone involved and whoever put this together...
[Aug 22,2006 12:29am - quintessence  ""]
quintessence said:I got my nose broken during BOE, sorry about the blood in the bathroom!

Holy shit, really? What happened?

I got randomly elbowed or punched in the pit, I'm not sure who. It was one of those, "who the fuck just hit me?" things. I was too drunk to care and actually continued to rock out before I realized I was dripping blood on the stage monitors!

[Aug 22,2006 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
I find it funny that now that joe is out of the business, his shows are doing well.
[Aug 25,2006 11:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I fucking rule, fuck all you haters.
[Aug 25,2006 12:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Out of business?!
[Aug 25,2006 1:00pm - RichHorror ""]
Aaron is too busy live freeing to know what he's talking about.
[Aug 25,2006 1:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Free living?
[Aug 25,2006 1:04pm - RichHorror ""]
Or dying.
[Aug 25,2006 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
living free and dying.
[Aug 25,2006 10:01pm - the_reverend ""]
origin: I walked in to the room and thought "this is how a band is suppose to sound." they immediately filled the room with quality audio. It was killer. As a 4-piece I don't really notice any of a difference. if anything, it just makes the sound cleaner. That bass player os awsesome. Longstreth on drums is awesome, but I thought that he played lazy a lot of the time.
[Aug 25,2006 10:03pm - kevord ""]
Origin was awesome. But isn't this review a week too late.
[Aug 26,2006 2:46am - the_reverend ""]
I'm behind on things... I don't know what's up with me and reviews. I need to get back on that shit. I think the problem is that I end up talking to people when I would normally write them at shows on my phone.
[Aug 27,2006 5:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:You need to tell your vocalist to try to not say 'fuck' every other word while on stage.

I disagree. We should settle things with a hot air balloon race around the world.
[Aug 27,2006 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
you can travel AROUND THE WORLD?
[Aug 27,2006 5:37pm - RichHorror ""]
If Mike takes five steps he has walked around the Earth twice.
[Nov 15,2009 10:21pm - MetalThursday ""]

the_reverend said: bane of existence: Dusty was suppose to toss a bunch of diapers on to the crowd, but couldn't figure out the trash bag so he just sort of poured them out on some kid in the front row who seemed really really angry about it.


Yes I'm still laughing about this 3 years later!
[Nov 16,2009 7:16am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
"This is for all of you who can't hold your liquor.. or your diarrhea".
[Nov 18,2009 9:07pm - MetalThursday ""]
"Operation Diaper Drop"

I think it was Crazy Dan that caught the faceful of diapers! Rev must have been downstairs eating his falafel or something to have missed that photo op...

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