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Jon Nodtveidt commits suicide?!?!?

[Aug 18,2006 9:35am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Well, now I guess they REALLY won't be playing BB King's
How kvlt of him
Hope he went out in style

From Blabbermouth:

DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide, informed sources have told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. More details will be made available shortly.

blah blah blah blabbermouth hogwash blah blah
[Aug 18,2006 9:36am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
PS - if his exit was via shotgun, I'm calling dibs on a skull fragment
[Aug 18,2006 9:37am - Anthony nli  ""]
[Aug 18,2006 9:39am - xmikex ""]
double damn
[Aug 18,2006 9:43am - litacore nli  ""]
well, he killed someone else first, didn't he?
[Aug 18,2006 9:45am - the_reverend ""]

double drama.
[Aug 18,2006 9:49am - hung_to_bleed ""]
holy fucking shit. I love (old - obviously) Dissection, that's some crazy news.
[Aug 18,2006 9:53am - DreamingInExile ""]
this is fucked up... I'm calling shenanagans until I see it on the dissection website, I think that would be one of the first places this would be posted.

apparently this rumor has been running around for a while, so I don't know how informed the 'informed sources' are....
[Aug 18,2006 10:32am - Yeti ""]
thats pretty crazy.
[Aug 18,2006 12:29pm - LongDeadGod_nli  ""]
apparently evil chaos will not overcome the world with the new coming of dissection.
[Aug 18,2006 12:44pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The new coming of Dissection already ended when they broke up.
[Aug 18,2006 12:49pm - Troll ""]
sounds like a great rock n roll swindel.....I'm skeptical...

....Although he has been using the word "final" alot during interviews and stuff.
[Aug 18,2006 4:49pm - pam ""]
He must have heard the new Dissection album.

[Aug 18,2006 4:57pm - Josh_Martin ""]
How many things on Blabbermouth have to turn out to be true before all these idiots stop saying everything on Balbbermouth is wrong?

Another one to add to the list of dead people I've seen live.
[Aug 18,2006 6:31pm - anonymous  ""]
DreamingInExile said:this is fucked up... I'm calling shenanagans until I see it on the dissection website, I think that would be one of the first places this would be posted.

apparently this rumor has been running around for a while, so I don't know how informed the 'informed sources' are....

[Aug 18,2006 6:31pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Absolutely no respect for someone who commits suicide...That is a cheap way out
[Aug 18,2006 6:46pm - dyingmuse ""]
this is very very fucked up! the guy spends that long in jail only to come out, make a huge successful tour/album/dvd release and just kills himself? Something else happened me thinks.


and i think i was one of the only people that enjoyed that last album.
[Aug 18,2006 6:47pm - dwellingsickness ""]
there is a statement up now on their website about it
[Aug 18,2006 6:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah, i read it. i think the members killed him!

or maybe .....satan
[Aug 18,2006 7:00pm - powerkok ""]
Please be suicide by Shotty in ass....please be suicide by shotty in ass....please........
[Aug 18,2006 7:01pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 18,2006 7:07pm - Phillip ""]
ah, wtf I didnt know they had a DVD out
Im gonna have to go look for that

and it totally sucks, but its hard to sypathzie for a racist murderer
but he made one of my all time favorite albums ever
[Aug 18,2006 7:09pm - Josh_Martin ""]
dwellingsickness said:Absolutely no respect for someone who commits suicide...That is a cheap way out

Yeah, it takes a lot of balls to stay alive and miserable.

Anyway, I really doubt the guy wanted your respect.

Some would say a life full of disability checks and free painkillers is a cheap way out (I wouldn't say that, but some would)

[Aug 18,2006 7:45pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Josh_Martin said:dwellingsickness said:Absolutely no respect for someone who commits suicide...That is a cheap way out

Yeah, it takes a lot of balls to stay alive and miserable.

Anyway, I really doubt the guy wanted your respect.

Some would say a life full of disability checks and free painkillers is a cheap way out (I wouldn't say that, but some would)

So why did you say that?... Oh wait I forgot , you got this bad ass" I am in AC" image to uphold. If you don't like my opinion that is one thing , but leave personal shit outta this :middlefinger:
[Aug 18,2006 8:03pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:He must have heard the new Dissection album.


excellent post, pam.
[Aug 18,2006 8:03pm - dreadkill ""]
at least he wasn't still making good music. that would be a shame.
[Aug 18,2006 8:50pm - OCR  ""]
Troll said:sounds like a great rock n roll swindel.....I'm skeptical...

....Although he has been using the word "final" alot during interviews and stuff.

[Aug 18,2006 8:52pm - OCR  ""]
he just missed all the rough gay prison sex he could't get that in the outside world
[Aug 18,2006 9:04pm - CNV  ""]
see ya in hell Jonny

[Aug 20,2006 12:45am - electric_angel  ""]
You know what? He can't read this shit anymore, only his family can, so for their sake, people should think about the things their going to say about him. Because it's not him you're going to hurt, it's them. As for me, Emil, I'm so sorry baby. I love you, see you soon,
[Aug 20,2006 2:33am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
electric_angel said:You know what? He can't read this shit anymore, only his family can, so for their sake, people should think about the things their going to say about him. Because it's not him you're going to hurt, it's them. As for me, Emil, I'm so sorry baby. I love you, see you soon,

And for MY family's sake, maybe you should stop posting too. I don't like them knowing theres fuckwits like you out there.
[Aug 20,2006 3:29am - CNV  ""]
electric_angel said:You know what? He can't read this shit anymore, only his family can, so for their sake, people should think about the things their going to say about him. Because it's not him you're going to hurt, it's them. As for me, Emil, I'm so sorry baby. I love you, see you soon,

Ho, Ho, Ho and a bottle of rum
[Aug 20,2006 3:31am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
dreadkill said:at least he wasn't still making good music. that would be a shame.

Didn't you say you liked that record?
[Aug 20,2006 6:03pm - infoterror ""]



[Aug 20,2006 9:34pm - DJ Death  ""]
REINKAOS is a masterful album. Too bad its not Darkthrone repetition, too bad that the album displays wonderful talent. Honestly, besides The Grief Prophecy and Into Infinite Obscurity, REINKAOS is there best work in my opinion... It is a very moving and respectable release.
[Aug 20,2006 9:46pm - Anthony nli  ""]
DJ Death said:REINKAOS is a masterful album. Too bad its not Darkthrone repetition, too bad that the album displays wonderful talent. Honestly, besides The Grief Prophecy and Into Infinite Obscurity, REINKAOS is there best work in my opinion... It is a very moving and respectable release.

yeah people shit on Reinkaos alot and I never really got that. I think it's a really cool album.
[Aug 22,2006 3:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
dwellingsickness said:Josh_Martin said:dwellingsickness said:Absolutely no respect for someone who commits suicide...That is a cheap way out

Yeah, it takes a lot of balls to stay alive and miserable.

Anyway, I really doubt the guy wanted your respect.

Some would say a life full of disability checks and free painkillers is a cheap way out (I wouldn't say that, but some would)

So why did you say that?... Oh wait I forgot , you got this bad ass" I am in AC" image to uphold. If you don't like my opinion that is one thing , but leave personal shit outta this :middlefinger:

If someone was acting like an idiot 3 months ago when I wasn't in AC I would've said the same thing. If someone was acting like an idiot 11 years ago before I was EVER in AC I would've said the same thing.
I said it to point out your hypocrisy. Duh. I know you're phyiscally handicapped, I didn't realize you were mentally crippled too.

I love how everyone's comeback is always "you're in ac blah blah blah"
Yeah, like really see calling a cripple on his stupidity as me being a badass. Just reminding you that your respect doesn't mean shit. You seem to be full of yourself with that statement.

Fuck you.

[Aug 22,2006 4:26pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
DJ Death said:REINKAOS is a masterful album. Too bad its not Darkthrone repetition, too bad that the album displays wonderful talent. Honestly, besides The Grief Prophecy and Into Infinite Obscurity, REINKAOS is there best work in my opinion... It is a very moving and respectable release.

It was extremely moving. In fact I moved it right out of my CD player and into the garbage. Complete mediocrity. Boring melodeath riffs that I'd expect out of a 5th rate wannabe In Flames/Dark Tranquillity. None of the power, none of the grace of the first two records. Boring. Boring. Boring. If not for the Dissection logo it would not have gotten anywhere at all, and noone would be arguing about it.

DJ Death said: "Too bad its not Darkthrone repetition."

They didn't sound like Darkthrone to begin with, so that is an absolute failure of a dig.
[Nov 20,2006 3:01pm - faithJordison  ""]
fuck...that's story make me...sooo sad...Emil we lovw you!!!..Really...guys...stop ton talk about...

[Nov 20,2006 3:02pm - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
faithJordison said:fuck...that's story make me...sooo sad...Emil we lovw you!!!..Really...guys...stop ton talk about...

speak fucking English :wiggam:

[Nov 20,2006 3:10pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Nodveidt's dead? Not again!
[Nov 20,2006 3:11pm - xmikex ""]
You guys got it all wrong. He only DYED his pubes.
[Feb 25,2009 1:57am - sean ""]

dyingmuse said:this is very very fucked up! the guy spends that long in jail only to come out, make a huge successful tour/album/dvd release and just kills himself? Something else happened me thinks.


and i think i was one of the only people that enjoyed that last album.

I really like "Reinkaos" too. Obviously, its different from Dissection's old material, but if you don't try to make it be that, its solid. It brings early Sentenced to mind, which is just fine by me.
[Feb 25,2009 7:40am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
All Dissection is amazing, with Storm of the Light's Bane being their greatest musical achievement. It's unfortunate that Jon decided to stop writing music in order to descend the Kliffotic tunnels. Good for him, though.
[Feb 25,2009 8:45am - xmikex ""]
Jon Nodtveidt died????!?!!!
[Feb 25,2009 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
still bummed about this. we're covering The Somberlain in honor of jon
[Feb 25,2009 12:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm just proud of RTTP that the thread made it this far without an "Jon's autopsy/dissection" joke. (See "dead guy from Decapitated" thread.)
[Feb 25,2009 12:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:still bummed about this. we're covering The Somberlain in honor of jon

[Feb 25,2009 12:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, no you're not. (J/K, LOL, IDK MY BFF JILL)
[Feb 25,2009 12:54pm - aril_newlaptop  ""]
yes sir we are. we haven't started it yet but it will be our primary focus once we're ready to play out again
[Feb 25,2009 12:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2009 2:11pm - darkwor ""]

GoatOfCatalyst said:Well, now I guess they REALLY won't be playing BB King's
How kvlt of him
Hope he went out in style

From Blabbermouth:

DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide, informed sources have told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. More details will be made available shortly.

blah blah blah blabbermouth hogwash blah blah

hahahhahahah...someone is bitter
[Feb 25,2009 2:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
While I'll be, Jon Nodtveidt finally got out of prison...
[Feb 26,2009 7:26am - Yeti ""]
i am still so bitter that i never got to see them live.
[Aug 26,2009 11:55pm - jecy  ""]
too bad. jon will be eternally butt f*ck by satan in hell

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