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POSSESSED appreciation thread

[Aug 21,2006 8:59am - litacore ""]
litsening to some of their old live-sies, Jeff Becerra has some of the BEST stage banter ever.

Fuck quoting it because you just have to HEAR it (or be there--inventor of the time machine gets a discount noogie from yours truly)


cack, couldn't resist :satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Aug 21,2006 9:05am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 21,2006 9:54am - litacore nli  ""]
Larry's fall from grace SOOOOOOOOOOO does not factor in when you listen to Possessed.
[Aug 21,2006 1:13pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i love this band. both albums and the ep rule.
[Aug 21,2006 3:49pm - chris from shit fuck nli  ""]
possessed are fucking killer, I listen to the bootleg live album all the fucking time. And Larry kicks ass in Primus, and both Larry and Les kicked even more ass in the band Blind Illusion (for their one album)
[Aug 21,2006 4:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 21,2006 8:12pm - Anthony nli  ""]
there was a record store in Cambridge that had 'Beyond the Gates' on LP in a gatefold edition where you could open the demon gate on the cover.
it was awesome.

[Aug 21,2006 9:44pm - maslayer  ""]
nothing but greatness
[Aug 22,2006 7:51am - duff138  ""]
Back in the day at my orthodonist office if you had like 5 perfect check ups or something you'd get a cassette or LP of your choice. I picked Possessed "Beyond the Gates"! When I told the seceratary what I wanted she gave me a strange look, because she was the one that had to go buy it! Still have the cassette today, wish I had asked for the gatefold vinyl though!
[Aug 22,2006 10:54am - litacore ""]
hahaha, awesome

I wonder if she listened to it on the way back

[Aug 22,2006 12:51pm - demondave ""]
I love possessed. Beyond the Gates rules. I know they had a better sound on the first one and all... but Beyond the Gates had the best songs. That slightly hollow sound they got on it combined with Jeff's evil vocals makes it one of the most evil sounding records to this day.

(eyes get misty with nostalgia)
[Aug 22,2006 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
someone might know this, i read this tidbit of trivia one time about Possessed "Seven Churches". i want to say it was Poltergeist, but i'm 99.9% sure it isnt, but in the movie there is a scene where there is all this junk flying around a room due to a poltergeist, and one of the items flying around is a copy of that album. this rings a distant bell.
[Aug 22,2006 12:58pm - litacore ""]
I think that movie predates the album by at least four years.

Possessed's pubes were just coming in, heh
[Aug 22,2006 1:05pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This thread goes without saying.
[Aug 22,2006 1:07pm - Yeti ""]
maybe it was one of the later Poltergeists. i swear that this is true, i just dont know what movie.
[Aug 22,2006 7:29pm - SlavonicIdentity  ""]
POSSESSED fucking rule! I'm so glad I was able to find "Beyond the Gates" gatefold LP a little while back, it kicks so much ass, same with the godly "Seven Churches" LP!

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