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Cradle Of Filth/Moonspell

[Oct 17,2003 3:23pm - FURY  ""]
**Decmber 17th @ Webster Theater(hartford,CT)

I play in the opening band AGGRESSIA, we are selling tickets to this show for only $20..Discounted from $28. So if anybody wants cheap tickets to this show then email me: gorecore@knac.com

[Oct 17,2003 3:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
way to post the same thread 3 times, asshole.
[Oct 17,2003 6:11pm - baneofexistence ""]
thats what them Thrach metal guys out of CT do cause they are bad ass

hey guy good luck with the gig but really you only needed to post it 1 time and then bump the hell out of it so the other 15 of us that post here can keep seeing it at the top of the board

rock on

RustedAngel said:way to post the same thread 3 times, asshole.

[Oct 17,2003 6:38pm - retzam ""]
I think it is stupid to fucking make a s/n for a one time thing. Fuck that shit. Out-hardcore that right into the pavement.

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