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KSE as daylite Died

[Aug 24,2006 8:45am - E  ""]
i'm just kinda curious to hear this and i heard a few songs got leaked on P2P, anyone hear them because i can't find them. I'm curious if they got even more technical and brutal. I highly doubt it but that's what people have been saying... if this is an inappropirate place to ask, please delete this post. :tightiewhities:
[Aug 24,2006 8:46am - sinistas ""]
More brutal. lmao
[Aug 24,2006 10:04am - E  ""]
I KNOW how can that be, but that is why i wanna hear it. i'd never buy it or support them but the hype is starting and i wanna see if they can back it up. they are one of those bands that started out with a mission but have now succumbed to corporate america.
[Aug 24,2006 10:05am - E  ""]
i think that video Metal By Numbers is joke about them and the "nu" metal scene. even though that guy went on record saying he has nothing against kse and feels they started this whole trent of "shitty metal" he still respects them.
[Aug 24,2006 10:25am - Anthill ""]
"about the nu metal scene"....I'm glad you're here to tell us these things.
[Aug 24,2006 11:37am - Anthony nli  ""]
they started out with a mission? i'm pretty sure Killswitch was in it for the money from the beginning.
[Aug 24,2006 11:59am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
^^^ retards ^^^
[Aug 24,2006 1:41pm - dreadkill ""]
i hate the record title. don't they realize there is already a band called daylight dies? some bands are just too lazy to do a google search.

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