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USA's top 100 pissed off cities.

[Aug 24,2006 11:10am - powerkok ""]
HAH....look at # 100.

1. Orlando, FL 26. Denver, CO 51. Newark, NJ 76. Hartford, CT
2. St. Petersburg, FL 27. Philadelphia, PA 52. Las Vegas, NV 77. Minneapolis, MN
3. Detroit, MI 28. Baton Rouge, LA 53. Columbus, OH 78. Boise, ID
4. Baltimore, MD 29. Fort Worth, TX 54. St. Paul, MN 79. Anaheim, CA
5. Nashville, TN 30. Phoenix, AZ 55. Charleston, WV 80. Norfolk, VA
6. Wilmington, DE 31. Lubbock, TX 56. Kansas City, MO 81. Austin, TX
7. Miami, FL 32. Cleveland, OH 57. New York, NY 82. Fremont, CA
8. Memphis, TN 33. Greensboro, NC 58. Oklahoma, OK 83. Fresno, CA
9. Jacksonville, FL 34. Cincinnati, OH 59. Toledo, OH 84. Anchorage, AK
10. St. Louis, MO 35. Arlington, TX 60. San Antonio, TX 85. Cheyenne, WY
11. Chicago, IL 36. Los Angeles, CA 61. Riverside, CA 86. Rochester, NY
12. Tampa, FL 37. Buffalo, NY 62. Modesto, CA 87. Madison, WI
13. Jackson, MS 38. Grand Rapids, MI 63. Louisville, KY 88. Salt Lake City, UT
14. Albuquerque, NM 39. Boston, MA 64. Honolulu, HI 89. Omaha, NE
15. Charlotte, NC 40. Columbia, SC 65. Richmond, VA 90. Pittsburgh, PA
16. Dallas, TX 41. Tulsa, OK 66. San Francisco, CA 91. Colorado Springs, CO
17. Houston, TX 42. Aurora, CO 67. Bakersfield, CA 92. El Paso, TX
18. Tucson, AZ 43. Seattle, WA 68. Spokane, WA 93. Sioux Falls, SD
19. Indianapolis, IN 44. Sacramento, CA 69. Milwaukee, WI 94. Des Moines, IA
20. Wichita, KS 45. San Diego, CA 70. Jersey City, NJ 95. Burlington, VT
21. Birmingham, AL 46. Montgomery, AL 71. Lexington, KY 96. Portland, OR
22. Providence, RI 47. Raleigh, NC 72. Little Rock, AR 97. Corpus Christi, TX
23. Durham, NC 48. Yonkers, NY 73. Lincoln, NE 98. Fargo, ND
24. Atlanta, GA 49. Oakland, CA 74. Billings, MT 99. Bangor, ME
25. Washington, DC 50. Fort Wayne, IN 75. San Jose, CA 100. Manchester, NH
[Aug 24,2006 11:11am - powerkok ""]
well that c+p'd all weird.
[Aug 24,2006 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
yeah manchvegas
[Aug 24,2006 11:17am - powerkok ""]
Must be Lake ave.
[Aug 24,2006 11:38am - powerkok ""]
Oh, hey Josh Martin, I dont see Lawrence anywhere on that list....hmmm weird.
[Aug 24,2006 11:53am - RichHorror ""]
#1 is proof of what damage tourists can do.
[Aug 24,2006 12:01pm - powerkok ""]
yep....the 'happiest celebration on earth' is surrounded by some angry road raging postal office workin mofo's.

[Aug 24,2006 12:02pm - powerkok ""]
Orlando is as segregated as any city Ive ever been to.
Literally one side is white, and one side is black.
[Aug 24,2006 12:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Sounds like Philly. Except one section is white, one section is black, one section is jewish... with each section being a hysterical serteotype of each race.
[Aug 24,2006 12:04pm - powerkok ""]
I dunno man.....when I lived there it was:

North Philly/Kensington:BLACK
West Philly: BLACK
South Philly: Italian/Black
Center City: Rich Jews/Art Institute fags.
[Aug 24,2006 12:08pm - RichHorror ""]
I walked down one main street, and it was segregated just on the one strip. I felt like one of those old WB cartoons where they run through the desert, then snow, then grass, then off the cartoon.
[Aug 24,2006 12:09pm - powerkok ""]
hahaah....sounds like Chestnut.
[Aug 24,2006 12:10pm - Messerschmitt ""]
RichHorror said:I walked down one main street, and it was segregated just on the one strip. I felt like one of those old WB cartoons where they run through the desert, then snow, then grass, then off the cartoon.

sort of like blue hill ave.
[Aug 24,2006 12:44pm - succubus ""]
define pissed off please. Where is this from?
[Aug 24,2006 12:45pm - succubus ""]
95. Burlington, VT
>pissed off people?
hippies? no way!
[Aug 24,2006 12:50pm - Messerschmitt ""]
i think high blood pressure has something to do with the info they used?
[Aug 24,2006 1:03pm - succubus ""]
i'm confused
[Aug 24,2006 1:40pm - GravityBlast ""]
I really want to know what their formula was.
[Aug 24,2006 1:58pm - Josh_Martin ""]
powerkok said:Oh, hey Josh Martin, I dont see Lawrence anywhere on that list....hmmm weird.

Why would Lawrence be pissed off? Heroin makes people happy.
[Aug 24,2006 2:06pm - powerkok ""]
this is based on high blood pressure, road rage, office related deaths, and polls.
[Aug 24,2006 2:07pm - powerkok ""]
succubus said:define pissed off please. Where is this from?

[Aug 24,2006 2:08pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Lawrence is the capitol of arson and insurance fraud.

A long time ago I was talking to Josh from Distrust and he was telling me Lawrence was the arson capitol. Right after he said that, this exchange took place:

Me: So, why'd you move?
Josh: My house burned down.
Me: (laughed for about 5 mintues straight)
[Aug 24,2006 3:18pm - GravityBlast ""]
What if you don't go to doctors, drive, or work in an office? I'd guess that a significant percentage of people don't do any of the 3.
[Aug 25,2006 2:07am - Phil ""]
Austin,Tx.I-35 sucks.
[Aug 25,2006 7:23am - anonymous  ""]
when i was in west philly i was the only white kid, but i still wasnt up for going to the "snow cone" house......there was a 3x5 board of wood over some guys door that said snow cones! and hewas sitting on his front porch with all the syurp bottles on the railing of the porch. awesome
[Aug 25,2006 7:37am - nickyhelliot ""]
Why did Bangor Maine get up there?
[Aug 25,2006 8:20am - jared_the_zompire ""]
anonymous said:when i was in west philly i was the only white kid, but i still wasnt up for going to the "snow cone" house......there was a 3x5 board of wood over some guys door that said snow cones! and hewas sitting on his front porch with all the syurp bottles on the railing of the porch. awesome

Either we were on the same trip or we saw the same house. Either way wickled sketchy. The guys selling fake Nikes on the corner was sketchy too. And the car that hit the telephone pole and caught on fire...and was just left there.
[Aug 25,2006 8:46am - largefreakatzero ""]
Josh_Martin said:Lawrence is the capitol of arson and insurance fraud.

A long time ago I was talking to Josh from Distrust and he was telling me Lawrence was the arson capitol. Right after he said that, this exchange took place:

Me: So, why'd you move?
Josh: My house burned down.
Me: (laughed for about 5 mintues straight)

Josh Sweeney? That dude is dead. Drug OD -- I don't remember if it was heroin, oxy, or a little bit of A/B.
[Aug 25,2006 9:01am - Darn Tootin'  ""]
Maybe the people in Fargo are pissed about all the snow. I'd be happy about all the perky nipples!

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