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tonight in olneyville....

[Oct 18,2003 3:32pm - ratt_mowe ""]
i best be seeing all your cute little horsey soccerplaying goalscoring umpirehating olneyville-loving cockshafting faces!
[Oct 18,2003 3:34pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Oct 18,2003 4:58pm - bludgawd ""]
if I am travelling from Cape Cod, when I hit I-95 what exit etc, do I take?
[Oct 18,2003 5:04pm - the_reverend ""]

I think that's it.
[Oct 18,2003 5:37pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
From Hyannis, might do ya better.
[Oct 19,2003 1:54am - jake  ""]
how was the show?

i got called into work (awesome 3 - 12 ) shift so i couldnt make it. that and im gay. the only redeeming part was that i got to see mayor YUNITS get shitfaced.

im sure the tyag show tommorow will be equally wonderful tho.
[Oct 19,2003 2:26am - phantos ""]
give us the show report.
you are driving home way too slow. hah.

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