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I am now a librarian in . . . (drumroll) . . . \\\ DEDHAM ///

[Aug 26,2006 9:50am - litacore ""]
yep, the job search is FINALLY over and I actually get to work in the field I spent roughly $85K (estimated) to study for.

teach your children well: DO NOT TAKE STUDENT LOANS! :nuke:

anyhoo, I start mid-October, and hopefully get to redesign the website.


come on in to the Reference Department and ask me about The Spanish Conquest of Mexico (or ethanol subsidies, if that's your bag!)

[Aug 26,2006 10:35am - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
Yup if I could do it again I would never take out student loans. I would have become an electrician or plumber or something and be rolling in cash right now.
[Aug 26,2006 11:13am - dwellingsickness ""]
It cost $85K to become a librarian?
[Aug 26,2006 11:16am - the_reverend ""]
someone must have died.
[Aug 26,2006 12:15pm - Dankill  ""]
Go barber school!
[Aug 26,2006 1:48pm - pam ""]
I'm jealous, I want to be a librarian.
[Aug 26,2006 1:51pm - RichHorror ""]
I want to be a dentist.

[Aug 26,2006 2:57pm - shatteredliz ""]
Congrats Larissa! You deserve it!!!
[Aug 26,2006 3:10pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RichHorror said:I want to be a dentist.


you could never sing and dance like steve martin, your dreams are a fraud !
[Aug 26,2006 3:41pm - RichHorror ""]
I am a fraud.
[Aug 26,2006 5:44pm - anonymous  ""]
I had to make copies as part of my lame job.I was usually half asleep too.I'd make the copies at the library.There was always this psychotic homless guy in there sittting by himself at a table.He always had the table covered with pages of some kind of insane diagrams and ramblings.I think the librarians finally evicted him.
[Aug 26,2006 5:50pm - allahthat ""]
that's me^
[Aug 26,2006 6:37pm - Dankill  ""]
[Aug 26,2006 9:07pm - Troll ""]
Black Metalibrarian \m/

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