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who's going to GIGANTOUR in Southie?

[Aug 29,2006 11:14am - litacore ""]
sometimes I wonder what possessed me to get a ticket, but really curious to see Megadeth play the Pavillion.

last I saw them was Peace Sells tour, at The Paradise. I have a scar of my chin to show for it.
20 fucking years ago, wow.
[Aug 29,2006 2:05pm - sxealex ""]
i was 2... buy whos buyin
[Aug 29,2006 2:07pm - litacore ""]
I was 17 or so.

1986 = excellent year for metal
[Sep 27,2006 2:34pm - Anthony ""]
Southie? Isn't the Bank of American Pavillion on the waterfront in Boston?

Is anyone going to this? ... I just realized that this is Friday and I would like to see Megadeth again. I may try to get some tix on CL. Are you shooting this Carina?
[Sep 27,2006 2:41pm - dreadkill ""]
i want to go to this too
[Sep 27,2006 2:45pm - litacore nli  ""]
that's south of south station, I consider it southie (edge of it, anyhoo)

there a World Trade Center shuttle from South Station though, so cool w/me
[Sep 27,2006 2:52pm - succubus ""]
you guys will have a blast!
I'm going to the Raconteurs @ the Orpheum!! woo woo
[Sep 27,2006 2:54pm - pam ""]
litacore said:sometimes I wonder what possessed me to get a ticket, but really curious to see Megadeth play the Pavillion.

last I saw them was Peace Sells tour, at The Paradise. I have a scar of my chin to show for it.
20 fucking years ago, wow.

Were you 6?
[Sep 27,2006 2:55pm - dwellingsickness ""]
litacore said:
last I saw them was Peace Sells tour, at The Paradise. I have a scar of my chin to show for it.
20 fucking years ago, wow.

You mean back when they were actually good?
[Sep 27,2006 3:07pm - porphyria  ""]
anyone know what the parking is like around this place? I kinda wish this was in Portland, so much easier to park.
[Sep 27,2006 3:07pm - porphyria  ""]
porphyria said:anyone know what the parking is like around this place? I kinda wish this was in Portland, so much easier to park.

and FREE.
[Sep 27,2006 3:25pm - Anthony ""]
litacore nli said:that's south of south station, I consider it southie (edge of it, anyhoo)

there a World Trade Center shuttle from South Station though, so cool w/me

You're right, that's technically Southie. I was just somewhat confused.
[Sep 27,2006 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
i wanted to go but i'm going to Tool.
[Sep 27,2006 3:36pm - litacore nli  ""]
pam said:litacore said:sometimes I wonder what possessed me to get a ticket, but really curious to see Megadeth play the Pavillion.

last I saw them was Peace Sells tour, at The Paradise. I have a scar of my chin to show for it.
20 fucking years ago, wow.

Were you 6?

nope, I was 16.
[Sep 27,2006 3:37pm - litacore nli  ""]
this starts wicked early too, I'll have to go right from work.

I wanna see Arch Enemy. Overkill I can totally miss.
[Sep 27,2006 4:08pm - paganmegan ""]
overkill rule yoooooou
[Sep 27,2006 5:04pm - litacore nli  ""]
that skull in "Hello from the Gutter" needs to fly away to a band that doesn't duck

Beavis and Butthead said it themselves
[Sep 27,2006 5:07pm - paganmegan ""]
that doesn't ducK?? heehee
[Sep 27,2006 6:09pm - litacore ""]
oops suck I mean QWERTY typo

I'd rather Benighted Leams opened
[Sep 27,2006 8:06pm - vomitthesoul ""]
litacore said:sometimes I wonder what possessed me to get a ticket, but really curious to see Megadeth play the Pavillion.

last I saw them was Peace Sells tour, at The Paradise. I have a scar of my chin to show for it.
20 fucking years ago, wow.

Im not going.Megedeth=yawn
[Sep 27,2006 8:06pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Yeti said:i wanted to go but i'm going to Tool.

Tool=Bigger yawn

[Sep 27,2006 8:07pm - vomitthesoul ""]
litacore nli said:this starts wicked early too, I'll have to go right from work.

I wanna see Arch Enemy. Overkill I can totally miss.

Arch Enemy BLOW.Overkill rule though

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