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Terrored is hung like a leper

[Aug 29,2006 3:55pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
He sent me a message with a picture of it in a pm, what a queeah, seriously I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to show me it, so I would swoon at its sight

It looked like someone photoshopped a cat's dong on too a human body

:commence the flame war and threats on my life!!!:
[Aug 29,2006 4:07pm - terrored  ""]
Dude you gotta stop making stuff up to impress people, just be yourself.
You still wanna see my dick??? you were asking for it.
[Aug 29,2006 5:53pm - Blackout Rick  ""]
[Aug 29,2006 5:56pm - terrored  ""]
I know!!!, Y_Ddraig_Goch you gotta stop that.

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