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No BOLT THROWER U.S. Tour...Thanks to Metal Blade

[Aug 30,2006 1:58am - dwellingsickness ""]
BOLT THROWER have posted the following message over at their official site:

"BOLT THROWER have had to cancel plans to tour the U.S. this year with their 'Those Still Loyal' tour.

Unfortunately their label, Metal Blade Records, refused to financially back the band, i.e. pay towards the flights, etc. Despite trying to work out other ways to make this happen, the band found they were unable to finance a tour of this scale on their own and therefore had to stop any further planning of the tour.

BOLT THROWER apologise to Maurizio and Thunderdome Touring, the promoters/bands who were willing to participate in the tour and their fans in the U.S. who were hoping to finally see them live. Regrettably, it looks like while BOLT THROWER are signed to Metal Blade Records they will be unable to tour the States."

[Aug 30,2006 2:14am - Phillip ""]
if they were another shitty generic metalcore band Metal blade would've backed it
:middlefinger:@ metalblade
[Aug 30,2006 4:41am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
MetalCore Blade
[Aug 30,2006 4:56am - Eljustin in CZ  ""]
too busy dropping loads of money into bands with pretty hair
[Aug 30,2006 7:24am - RyanMDF ""]
Shhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone, but unlike Metal Blade, we've offered to pay for their flights....Stay tuned.....
[Aug 30,2006 9:21am - DreamingInExile ""]
Ryan, that would RULE!, but I heard nothing ;-)

[Aug 30,2006 9:43am - paganmegan ""]
what the FUCKING FUCK is that?? I'm writing a nasty little note to metal blade
[Aug 30,2006 9:44am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
METAL Blade is too busy supporting their gay fashioncore tours to have any concern about the actual METAL bands on their roster, which are now a secondary source of income.

Fuck off Fasion Blade!
[Aug 30,2006 9:49am - succubus ""]
sounds like a biased story from the band...who knows what the REAL story is
[Aug 30,2006 9:54am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Possibly biased, but it's not the first time they've been screwed out of a US tour since they signed with Metal Blade.
[Aug 30,2006 11:09am - Josh_Martin ""]
succubus said:sounds like a biased story from the band...who knows what the REAL story is

What is biased about that story?
You really think Bolt Thrower would admit to not selling enough records for Metal Blade to think its worth paying for their plane tickets if it wasn't true?
[Aug 30,2006 12:55pm - BlackoutRick ""]
BOYCOTT!!! Fuck that label!!!
[Aug 30,2006 4:56pm - PROWORLD ""]
obviously metal blade didnt want to put money into a garbage band. THey put them in tour in the u s they wont make any money! It has nothing to do with being a metal core label! Dont hate the music because more people like it!
[Aug 30,2006 5:06pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Right, because Bolt Thrower is a 'garbage' band, that's why Metal Blade re-signed them...

Go back to roaming the mall with your iPod and As I Lay Dying .mp3s, genius.

Bolt Thrower would easily draw enough to cover for themselves on a US tour with limited dates in major cities, even more easily on a good package tour.
[Aug 30,2006 9:47pm - sphincter  ""]
metal blade might be suffering from the roadrunner effect. Im sure u know what im taliking about. All the good bands get pushed aside or dropped to make way for crappier bands. Trustkill, victory, earache,century media,relapse, and even metropolis have done this too
[Aug 31,2006 12:35am - i_am_not_me ""]
Wow, how gay.
[Aug 31,2006 12:41am - anonymous  ""]
And yet, the retro metal is begining to make way to a lot of kids these days, so at least Roadrunner was smart enough to rerelease a bunch of their classic and hard to find material. You'd figure Metal Blade would get a clue that Bolt Throwing would actually pull an crowd or two.
Now I'm waitin for Roadruner to dig up Believer's album from the crypts.
[Aug 31,2006 12:43am - Dankill  ""]
That was me, btw
[Aug 31,2006 1:20am - Allahthat ""]
I can't find the used bolt thrower tape that I got for about a buck about 7 yrs. ago ?
[Aug 31,2006 9:41am - paganmegan ""]
PROWORLD said:obviously metal blade didnt want to put money into a garbage band. THey put them in tour in the u s they wont make any money! It has nothing to do with being a metal core label! Dont hate the music because more people like it!

Remove your head from your ass vaseline-for-brains. Bolt Thrower are fucking legends and there are tons of metalheads, REAL metalheads who are anxiously waiting to see them.
Anyways, the point is, if a label decides to take a band on, they should be prepared to back them. That goes for tours, marketing,etc. That's part of the deal. If they fail to accomplish that they aren't doing their jobs.
[Aug 31,2006 11:23am - Josh_Martin ""]
Metal Blade doesn't give a fuck if Bolt Thrower can draw a crowd or not.
Metal Blade knows that Bolt Thrower fans are going to buy the new Bolt Thrower album whether they tour or not. Metal Blade also knows that a US Bolt Thrower tour will pretty much only be attended by people who are already Bolt Thrower fans and will not make any new fans. Which means the new Bolt Thrower album is going to sell the same amount of copies whether they tour here or not. That is why Metal Blade sees paying for their plane tickets as a giant waste of money.
[Aug 31,2006 11:38am - paganmegan ""]
sons of bitches.
[Aug 31,2006 12:05pm - PROWORLD ""]
having them signed to a label is a giant waste of money! Bolt thrower sucks
[Aug 31,2006 12:51pm - BlackoutRick ""]
sphincter said:metal blade might be suffering from the roadrunner effect. Im sure u know what im taliking about. All the good bands get pushed aside or dropped to make way for crappier bands. Trustkill, victory, earache,century media,relapse, and even metropolis have done this too

You think Earache is getting like that? I thought they were one of the remaining cool labels. I still like Century Media even though they have a million bands on their roster.
[Aug 31,2006 12:54pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Proworld can eat a dick. Go back to the BSR board.
[Aug 31,2006 12:55pm - paganmegan ""]
PROWORLD said:having them signed to a label is a giant waste of money! Bolt thrower sucks

Yes, I am sure you are an expert and are well aquainted with their discography :tightiewhities::bartmoon::gun::point::nuke::middlefinger:
[Aug 31,2006 1:30pm - PROWORLD ""]
alright there black out rick!!!! your like the spokesman for bsr! you and your terrible band and label can go suck a dick just like the megan from her stupid band heserki or whatever their called! [img]
[Aug 31,2006 1:31pm - PROWORLD ""]
dude your a fucking fag! your band sucks, your label sucks! whats your label run from a 16 year old from new hampshire??
[Aug 31,2006 1:36pm - paganmegan ""]
someone's angry
[Aug 31,2006 1:36pm - PROWORLD ""]
im upset with posers
[Aug 31,2006 1:37pm - paganmegan ""]
oh and the use of the word "your" in this case is not grammatically correct, it's "you're"
[Aug 31,2006 1:37pm - RichHorror ""]
Someone forgot their V8 this morning.
[Aug 31,2006 1:37pm - paganmegan ""]
PROWORLD said:im upset with posers

that's a good one
[Aug 31,2006 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
that picture is metalchurch101 not blackoutrick.
[Aug 31,2006 1:39pm - PROWORLD ""]
so youre a metal guitarist and a grammer teacher now?? intresting
[Aug 31,2006 1:43pm - paganmegan ""]
true metal people want to rock not pose! [img]
[Aug 31,2006 1:47pm - PROWORLD ""]
who cares what the user is, that picture is just gay, and to put that on your website is even gayer!!
[Aug 31,2006 1:48pm - PROWORLD ""]
and is this picture of these sweeden fags supposed to do justice? dude they look like a bunch of fags!
[Aug 31,2006 1:50pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
PROWORLD said:im upset with posers

[Aug 31,2006 1:52pm - paganmegan ""]

back to the topic at hand, bolt thrower rules and needs to play in the states
[Aug 31,2006 1:53pm - paganmegan ""]
..and metal blade sucks
[Aug 31,2006 1:53pm - RichHorror ""]
Back when they were going to tour, Robin was booking it. Bummer.
[Aug 31,2006 1:54pm - PROWORLD ""]
[Aug 31,2006 1:56pm - paganmegan ""]
RichHorror said:Back when they were going to tour, Robin was booking it. Bummer.

Sucks big time..:moe:
[Aug 31,2006 2:17pm - Sines of Life  ""]
Proworld's an idiot. Bolt Thrower are legends. (so are Blackout Frenzy,lol) The reason labels don't want to support bands is becuase there are a million other shitty bands willing to tour for free and live of ramen noodle. If they sell 1000 cds, the label makes money. Messed up system. www.sines-of-life.com
[Aug 31,2006 2:28pm - PROWORLD ""]
no my friend you are an idiot! anyone who says blackout frenzy is a legend is fucking retard!! if they were legends they wouldnt still be playing in the living room and crappy venues like that! cmon give me a break....this is too easy! and correction bolt thrower cant even sell cd's in their own country let alone a us tour
[Aug 31,2006 2:37pm - likety_split  ""]
do you play music or just a critic?
[Aug 31,2006 2:45pm - PROWORLD ""]
dont worry about what i do....what do you do?
[Aug 31,2006 2:57pm - Likety_Split ""]
i'm done...Bolt Thrower rules, Proworld does not.
[Aug 31,2006 2:58pm - PROWORLD ""]
[Aug 31,2006 2:59pm - pam ""]
Fuck Metal Blade.
[Aug 31,2006 3:30pm - PROWORLD ""]
hello pam
[Aug 31,2006 4:58pm - kevord ""]
PROWORLD said:and is this picture of these sweeden fags supposed to do justice? dude they look like a bunch of fags!

Manowar is from New Jersey Not sweden. Wimps and posers leave the hall.
[Aug 31,2006 5:05pm - pam nli  ""]
kevord said:PROWORLD said:and is this picture of these sweeden fags supposed to do justice? dude they look like a bunch of fags!

Manowar is from New Jersey Not sweden. Wimps and posers leave the hall.

I thought they were from Poughkeepsie, NY.
[Aug 31,2006 5:14pm - paganmegan ""]
kevord said:PROWORLD said:and is this picture of these sweeden fags supposed to do justice? dude they look like a bunch of fags!

Manowar is from New Jersey Not sweden. Wimps and posers leave the hall.

haha I didn't get the original comment because I was like, "sweden? who?" hahahahaha
wimps and posers indeed! :point:
[Aug 31,2006 5:15pm - paganmegan ""]
Manowar will have your ass
"may your sword be wet..."
[Aug 31,2006 5:17pm - pam nli  ""]
I'm sorry, they're originally from Auburn, NY...they reside in Poughkeepsie, NY now.
[Aug 31,2006 5:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Fuck Auburn, NY.
[Aug 31,2006 5:26pm - kevord ""]
RichHorror said:Fuck Auburn, NY.

My bad. I knew they were from the New york/Jersey area definetly not Sweden.
[Aug 31,2006 5:47pm - Josh_Martin ""]
One of the gayest shows I ever played was in Auburn NY. Nothing but straight edge vegan faggots who don't think black eyes and bruises on a chick is funny up there.
[Aug 31,2006 5:52pm - RichHorror ""]
Auburn, NY was our worst show ever, hands down.
[Aug 31,2006 6:02pm - INFECT ""]
we were supposed to play in upstate NY once, halfway there we get a call informing us that the whole thing is cancelled, fuck that place,
also, this PROWORLD guy is so obviously a troll
[Aug 31,2006 6:07pm - pam nli  ""]
I don't know what he said, I can't hear people who don't like Bolt Thrower.
[Sep 1,2006 10:31am - Likety_Split ""]
Bolt Thrower is sick. Whats up with that proworld dude. He obvoiusly has no idea what he's talking about.
[Sep 1,2006 10:46am - PROWORLD ""]
Everyone is just upset why they are not coming to the u s! Everyones mad at the label, if your so pissed write the label bitch and complain to them! COmplaing on a message board aint gonna get u no where! if you guys LOVE bolt thrower why dont you guys pay for their tour!
[Sep 1,2006 10:50am - CNV  ""]
oh no, not this faggot again
[Sep 1,2006 10:53am - PROWORLD ""]
oh yes fear me
[Sep 1,2006 10:54am - paganmegan ""]
CNV said:oh no, not this faggot again

what Paulie said
[Sep 1,2006 10:55am - PROWORLD ""]
shut up troll!
[Sep 1,2006 10:57am - CNV  ""]
PROWORLD said:oh yes fear me

k fat boy

take your Lamb of Gay records and gift certificates to Burger King and get the fuck out of here
[Sep 1,2006 10:58am - PROWORLD ""]
heY lord of the rings is casting some extras for the trolls i was thinking you would be great for one of those roles
[Sep 1,2006 10:58am - PROWORLD ""]
wow your a tough guy huh? that band is alot better than all the bands mentioned in this thread!
[Sep 1,2006 10:59am - paganmegan ""]
PROWORLD said:heY lord of the rings is casting some extras for the trolls i was thinking you would be great for one of those roles

gayest comment of the day so far
[Sep 1,2006 10:59am - CNV  ""]
your mom is casting for black cock

Oh wait, everyone already knew about that
[Sep 1,2006 11:00am - CNV  ""]
PROWORLD said:wow your a tough guy huh? that band is alot better than all the bands mentioned in this thread!

whatever you say fat boy
[Sep 1,2006 11:04am - PROWORLD ""]
yea everyone knew that because your mom put out the post
[Sep 1,2006 11:04am - PROWORLD ""]
what happened to the tough guy act?
[Sep 1,2006 11:10am - CNV  ""]
Dude, the Ozzfest message board is down the hall

You must have got lost

[Sep 1,2006 11:13am - PROWORLD ""]
hey buddy u dont even know jack shit! take off your make up and black eyeliner and grow some balls and listen to real fucking metal!
[Sep 1,2006 11:16am - CNV  ""]

Yeah man!! I have seen the light now! I am down with tha sickness
[Sep 1,2006 11:23am - PROWORLD ""]
i wouldnt go that far
[Sep 1,2006 11:24am - Likety_Split ""]
what a queer.
[Sep 1,2006 11:29am - PROWORLD ""]
hey its the kids band that sucks!
[Sep 1,2006 11:32am - Likety_Split ""]
yeah because you have great taste in music. Shouldn't you be putting on your mascara and getting ready for the mall?
[Sep 1,2006 11:35am - PROWORLD ""]
ha ha ha...thats a good one! the reason why i say your band sucks is because your riffs are steel! they sound like everyother band, the songwriting is just horrible. Instead of getting mad you should apperciate this kind of feedback and improve your music off it!
[Sep 1,2006 11:48am - Likety_Split ""]
Yeah thanks, I'm going to go back and rework the whole album because some little doosh tells me my band sucks. You've inspired me!
[Sep 1,2006 11:51am - PROWORLD ""]
good, its good to see i made a difference!
[Sep 1,2006 12:03pm - Blackout Rick  ""]
Go home and get your shinebox!
[Sep 1,2006 12:03pm - PROWORLD ""]
HEY HEY its blackout dick!
[Sep 1,2006 12:04pm - PROWORLD ""]
hows that shitty label treating you?
[Sep 1,2006 1:32pm - PROWORLD ""]
Everyone gave up!

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