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ESP M-II w/ Maple Neck and EMG's! $1200

[Aug 31,2006 4:59pm - contagion ""]
Guitar has BARELY been played. I left cadaveryne less than a week after i got it, and i put it away, knowing id sell it. I played out with it once, my last show with cadaveryne, but it was always kept in its hard case. THE CASE STILL SMELLS NEW. I polished the guitar and put it away. its currently set up for c standard tuning, and i could have it set up for E or whatever tuning you use if need be. This is a 1450$ guitar new, and i have a 200$ emg zakk wylde set in it, making it worth 1650$. emg 85 in the bridge and an 81 in the neck. I can switch the 85 for an 81 if you want, as i have 2 81's in my other guitar and it takes all of 3 seconds to switch.


[Aug 31,2006 6:06pm - Cadaveryne ""]
If Only I had the cash.
[Aug 31,2006 10:05pm - contagion ""]
buy it after you buy my mesa hahaha
[Sep 1,2006 1:55am - powerkok ""]
that is beautiful. No extra cash right now tho.
[Sep 1,2006 4:33pm - contagion ""]
My email is pekingwoq@hotmail.com

if anyone is seriously interested in it, i would be willing to hold it for a while. realistic though, like, before december, im not trying to sit on this for 10 months.
[Sep 1,2006 6:03pm - powerkok ""]
I may be intersted in late November, if you still have it.
[Sep 1,2006 6:38pm - brian_dc ""]
beautiful guitar. Not a fan of EMG's or trems, but that is nice. I wish I had the cash or at least a secure job right now to buy this off of you. Oh well...I guess like the kok, if you have a hard time getting rid of this I'll be in touch in a few months.
[Sep 4,2006 6:59pm - anonymous  ""]
bumpdiddy bump bump.
[Sep 4,2006 6:59pm - contagion ""]
oops. whatever.
[Sep 5,2006 12:38am - niccolai ""]
try posting it on a couple other places as well.

ESPguitars.com has a section of the forum dedicated to guitar sales.
[Sep 9,2006 5:03pm - anonymous  ""]
niccolai said:try posting it on a couple other places as well.

ESPguitars.com has a section of the forum dedicated to guitar sales.

good call. will do.

[Sep 12,2006 5:23pm - contagion ""]
can you post a link to that page of the forum. im too lazy to look.
[Sep 12,2006 5:27pm - niccolai ""]
You'll haveto register to make a post but the URL is http://p222.ezboard.com/fespguitarsmessage...m12.showMessage?topicID=38966.topic

If I'm not mistaken, someone just sold an m2 for a grand, so you probably won't have too much trouble at least getting an offer on it.
[Sep 12,2006 5:28pm - niccolai ""]
and having actual pictures can make the difference between selling and not selling so you might want to take some with a camera and throw them on photobucket.com. everyone already knows what the promo shot of the guitar looks like.
[Sep 12,2006 5:33pm - contagion ""]
niccolai said:and having actual pictures can make the difference between selling and not selling so you might want to take some with a camera and throw them on photobucket.com. everyone already knows what the promo shot of the guitar looks like.
i meant to take some when my sister was home from college on her digi. i dont have one, and my phone pictures come out looking like shit. ill have to call a friend and try and borrow a camera or something, but thanks for that anyway.

[Sep 26,2006 10:54pm - contagionnnn  ""]
i'm too lazy to log in. I'll sell for 1000.
[Sep 27,2006 6:37pm - Lopinys  ""]
Hmm, I've been wanting this exact same guitar for awhile. I developed Carpal Tunnel about 3-4 months ago. And my Les Paul's neck is just too bitchy to play on now.

Send me more info of the guitar and pictures to my email, chicksdigme188@hotmail.com
[Oct 2,2006 5:33pm - contagion ""]
reply to youre emails motherfucker. i dont have the pictures anymore because i deleted them off of my computer, and i dont have a digital camera.
[Oct 12,2006 7:57am - contagion ""]
[Oct 12,2006 9:20am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
not trying to talk shit but seriously for the money youre asking someone could go to a shop and buy one and get a warranty on it plus an added shop warranty on it.

goodluck though
[Oct 12,2006 11:38am - blue ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:not trying to talk shit but seriously for the money youre asking someone could go to a shop and buy one and get a warranty on it plus an added shop warranty on it.

goodluck though

not on that guitar mister man.
[Oct 12,2006 12:03pm - SteveOTB ""]
I'll give you $150.00 for it.
[Oct 15,2006 1:35am - Lopinys  ""]
Sorry dude, my comp crashed. $900? Hmm..
[Oct 15,2006 8:35am - contagion ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:not trying to talk shit but seriously for the money youre asking someone could go to a shop and buy one and get a warranty on it plus an added shop warranty on it.

goodluck though

yea, its expensive, but considering it has like 5 hours playing time on it, a 200 dollar set of pickups and goes for 1400 new, id say 900 is pretty fair.

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