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Let's start a cult

[Sep 2,2006 3:27am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Yeah my easily impressioned mind wants to start a kind of pagan reconstructionist cult after seeing wicker man, but mine would never be as gay or as feminine. Although I think the movie was trying to show how silly wiccans are because wiccans believe in elevating the female divine because in abrahamic faiths the woman is not included in the divine, but wiccans end up worshipping the woman to the exclusion of the male and are thus in turn as equally unfair to the sexes as christians are.

I like the movie, everyone I was with hated it, but admitted the reason for their dislike was the fact nic cage dies.

but seriously if I ever got money I would buy an island and sacrifice goats and chickens to giant burning basket men....
[Sep 2,2006 5:00am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said: nic cage dies.

[Sep 2,2006 6:59am - CNV  ""]

Always interested in these sorts of conversations

Come on down to the dungeon for a chat
[Sep 2,2006 7:08am - anonymous  ""]
those fucking hippies were in here.They said tomorrow.Creepy crawly indeed.
[Sep 2,2006 8:13am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Wiccans are silly, especially modern "You Can be a Wiccan for $19.95 Just Buy This Book, It's Empowering and Different and Your Parents Will Hate You" Wiccans.
[Sep 2,2006 12:54pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I started off wiccan as a youning but then I learned that wiccan was gay after reading those very books you speak off.

Now I found the gods of the old northern races, and what is left of their legacy

I love warrior religions
[Sep 2,2006 1:09pm - pam ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:I started off wiccan as a youning but then I learned that wiccan was gay after reading those very books you speak off.

Now I found the gods of the old northern races, and what is left of their legacy

I love warrior religions

I followed it for a while when I was a kid, like most religions they take a really beautiful idea and turn it into shit.

I've now graduated to a firm belief that all religions are fucking gay.
[Sep 2,2006 1:55pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Religion is gay indeed, man should only follow his bestial instinct.

Man created in his image, GOD
[Sep 2,2006 7:25pm - Troll ""]

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