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Movie: The Illusionist

[Sep 2,2006 9:56am - succubus ""]
i mentioned this movie before (no threads abt it) and today aaron and i are gonna go see it!

my tfirst time actually using the new movie flag ooohh
[Sep 2,2006 10:38am - dugnli  ""]
The Prestige looks better.
[Sep 2,2006 10:41am - VoidExpression ""]
dugnli said:The Prestige looks better.

Definitely, but sorry to be "that guy", but it looks like from the trailer that Nolan completely fucked over the entire story of the book and is leaving out some of the creepier parts. He's a pro though so he'll make it work.
[Sep 2,2006 11:16am - succubus ""]
oh i wanna see that too...christian bale rocks...
[Sep 2,2006 12:58pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
where can you see these movies, I swear new hampshire boycotts certain movies I never see them advertised.
[Sep 2,2006 1:36pm - Dissector ""]
I never heard of this movie either. But then again I don't watch TV so it's not like I could see any commercials for it.
[Sep 2,2006 1:45pm - VoidExpression ""]
The Illusionist is the new Edward Norton movie and The Presitge is the new Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale/Hugh Jackman movie. There's been a lot of hype because both are based on awesome books (Eisenheim the Illusionist and The Prestige) and are early Oscar contenders.

Word has it The Illusion is good but the cast (with the exception of Norton) almost ruins it, Jessica Biel and Rufus Sewel - yikes.
[Sep 2,2006 2:37pm - succubus ""]
Illusionist opened a week or two ago in Boston..but not NH...it opened in Portsmouth NH yesterday and we went to see it there.

i actually got the movies mixed up! (so did aaron) as the preview for the prestige started i whispered in aaron's ear..ugh...i thought this was the movie we were gonna see...he laughed and said he thought so too..i got some of the actors messed up too

anyhow, it was pretty good...

ps: i don't watch a lot of TV..i read a lot though and i keep up with movies and what's coming out..also aaron and i go to the movies a lot and see tons of previews ...
[Sep 2,2006 9:17pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I don't know much about movies but there are two that are due out within the next year that sound awesome, one is mel gibson's movie about the mayans, and the other is pathfinder, a remake about vikings and skraelings(native americans) fighting and such!!!!
[Sep 2,2006 10:05pm - VoidExpression ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:I don't know much about movies but there are two that are due out within the next year that sound awesome, one is mel gibson's movie about the mayans, and the other is pathfinder, a remake about vikings and skraelings(native americans) fighting and such!!!!

Oh man, if there were two movies that I would predict to be god awful in the next year or so, it's Apocalypto and Pathfinder ;). The former is going to be a pretentious self-indulgent piece of shit and the latter is just way too far fetched to even make any sense and is probably going to rely exclusively on the "epic" battle scenes to save it. The original is a decent film and has a solid premise, but moving this one to America and changing the plot around (from what I can tell anyway from the trailer) seems like a wierd decision, and fucking Eomer as a Viking raised by Native Americans, I'm not sure what they were thinking with that casting. It could be good stupid fun though! I'll still probably see it.
[Sep 3,2006 2:44pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Well Pathfinder is based on Vikings, basically they just used the whole vikings in america idea, the original had the viking king and his men trapped and the vikings returning to rescue them, the knew one is bassically vikings coming to america to steal slaves then they leave behind the chiefs son, then they come back and the chiefs son fights for the natives.

the original had a black viking in it?

oh yeah and the movie actually has vikings with horns on their helmets because they know american viewers want to see that because it is the viking sterotype even though vikings never had horns.
[Sep 3,2006 2:44pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
actually it sounds exactly like dances with wolves and the last samurai rolled together

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