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I just moved into Boston, what is there to do?

[Sep 9,2006 5:44pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I'm 18 and going to college
[Sep 9,2006 5:49pm - Kevord ""]
Go to the Events page.
[Sep 9,2006 5:58pm - litacore ""]
what are you studying?

(hahaha not a pickup line, I'm too old for you)
[Sep 9,2006 6:02pm - Kevord ""]
I'm too old to be in college.
[Sep 9,2006 6:31pm - Cecchini ""]
litacore said:what are you studying?

(hahaha not a pickup line, I'm too old for you)

he's 18, he's of age!
[Sep 9,2006 6:35pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
political communications
[Sep 9,2006 6:35pm - the_reverend ""]
larissa could be him mom.
though he would then have some bitching celtic frost tattoos.
[Sep 9,2006 6:37pm - mostahthat ""]
[Sep 9,2006 7:07pm - eat shit and live  ""]
go back 2 where u came from cuz around here we dont like you... unless ur a slut
[Sep 9,2006 8:25pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Eat carrots and sticks.
[Sep 9,2006 10:36pm - sinistas ""]
Get out while you still can.
[Sep 9,2006 10:45pm - succubus ""]
Pick up the phoenix paper (free) and check out the shows and things going on
[Sep 9,2006 10:51pm - the_reverend ""]
or get atripod and have nighttime fun with your D70
[Sep 9,2006 10:56pm - succubus ""]
Or do both!
[Sep 9,2006 11:44pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Jump in front of the B train. (note:this only applies if you're attending BC or BU)
[Sep 10,2006 12:18am - mostahthat ""]
he might not know he's in cambridge.

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