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Cannibal Corpse hits 1,000,000

[Oct 22,2003 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... I marked the important part.
when douchey marky mark and justin timberdork sell 3 million in a week... takes CC 13 years to do it.

CANNIBAL CORPSE reaches the 1,000,000 mark!!!!

The masters of death metal, Cannibal Corpse, recently reached the one million mark for combined sales of all their albums. This is a great achievement not only for the band and label but also for all death metal bands out there. It is not very often a truly heavy metal band reaches the Platinum mark and it just goes to show that it is possible. Cannibal Corpse is one of the most prominent death metal bands ever unleashed upon the scene and have not let up since they started in 1990. Only a truly remarkable band such as Cannibal Corpse can continue to reach their fans and still mean something to the death and heavy metal world...and reaching the one million mark proves it! So big congratulations go out to Cannibal Corpse from all their friends and fans here at Metal Blade! Here is a pic of Alex Webster, Pat O'Brien, Brian Slagel (owner & ceo of MB), George Fisher and Jack Owen with a plaque to commemorate the occasion taken at Sonic Ranch in El Paso, TX where the band is currently recording the follow up to their highly praised release Gore Obsessed.
[Oct 22,2003 4:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
you must have searched a week back in blabbermouth to find that. heh.
[Oct 22,2003 4:09pm - the_reverend ""]
no, it was right on digitalmetal.com
[Oct 22,2003 4:10pm - litacore ""]

betcha he's siked too--
[Oct 22,2003 4:44pm - retzam ""]
Is Jim Carrey a CC fan or did he just put them in the first Ace Ventura for shits and giggles?
[Oct 22,2003 4:51pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
CC is one of his favorite bands
[Oct 22,2003 6:43pm - baneofexistence ""]
i have the behind the scene home video footage of that it a lot of site seeing and stuff but also has some of the shoot and the cutting room stuff
[Oct 22,2003 6:57pm - Devin ""]
CC is one of his favorite bands
really? for some reason that doesn't seem like his thing.

but that one scene in ace is hilarious! it perfectly represents how bands can be a hella lot of fun without even being any good.
[Oct 22,2003 8:03pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
did you just say CC aren't good?

if you did you a disgrace to the name Devin.
[Oct 22,2003 9:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
its about fucking time! i must have listened to stripped raped and strangled a million times alone!
[Oct 22,2003 10:02pm - retzam ""]
Devin said:CC is one of his favorite bands
really? for some reason that doesn't seem like his thing.

but that one scene in ace is hilarious! it perfectly represents how bands can be a hella lot of fun without even being any good.

I couldnt agree with you more. And as far as attendmyrequiem's little comment, if you are referring to devin townsend, do you really think that he likes CC? He seems more the kind of musician type person.
[Oct 22,2003 11:15pm - the_reverend ""]
well, I posted this cause.. seriously... like Canibal corpse or nt, but...
they are sort of the "pop" of death metal.
tell me a single band that is more widely know then them.
and with that, they've only sold 1 million records?
that sucks bull semen
[Oct 22,2003 11:45pm - xeatadickx ""]
haha, i remember when jim carrey was on cribs, and he was showing off his entertainment center. if you look at his cd collection you could see cannibal corpse, morbid angel, autopsy....\m/

so it is now a science fact that metalheads are better than everyone.
[Oct 23,2003 12:28am - Devin ""]
i'm not a disgrace to townsend, because i do love his music. All Hail the New Flesh! cc is a whole different thing, though. they've got talent, but decide to blow it all on making shockrockerous gory vomitous incestious babyraping shit. sure it's brutal, but not much more than that im afraid.

oh shit, i pretty much just insulted standard death metal there... hope i dont get banished from the site 8^(
[Oct 23,2003 2:27am - George ""]
jim carey is a metalhead? that kicks ass

cannibal corpse is great. the bleeding is an awesome album, i dont care if it's the pop of death metal or whatever.

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