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Teenage girl dives headfirst off a balcony in a mall

[Sep 16,2006 9:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 16,2006 9:54am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
her head opens like a melon.
[Sep 16,2006 10:24am - Ryan_M ""]
did she unbutton her pants before she jumped or was it a quick afterthought on the way down?
[Sep 16,2006 10:26am - thegreatspaldino ""]
probably did it because she was flatter than a board
[Sep 16,2006 10:30am - pam ""]
[Sep 16,2006 11:01am - eddie ""]
Ryan_M said:did she unbutton her pants before she jumped or was it a quick afterthought on the way down?

[Sep 16,2006 11:03am - dugnli  ""]
maybe she just got out from seeing Lady in the Water.
[Sep 16,2006 11:11am - fuckarss  ""]
dirty indonesians. don't they have the highest suicide rate in the world?
[Sep 16,2006 11:14am - fuckarss  ""]
Rank Country Suicides per 100,000 inhabitants per year
1 Lithuania 42.0
2 Russia 37.4
3 Belarus 35.0
4 Latvia 34.3
5 Estonia 33.2
6 Hungaryk 32.1
7 Slovenia 30.9
8 Ukraine 29.4
9 Kazakhstan 28.7
10 Finland 24.3

i guess not?
[Sep 16,2006 11:15am - pam ""]
dugnli said:maybe she just got out from seeing Lady in the Water.

[Sep 16,2006 11:20am - KeithMutiny ""]
thats impressive, i must say.
[Sep 16,2006 11:23am - sever nli  ""]
damn, never seen anything like that before.
[Sep 16,2006 11:26am - jared_the_zompire ""]
She has weird looking teeth.
[Sep 16,2006 11:54am - Abbath ""]
damn that's pretty wild, that's almost a perfect split right down the middle, i can never get over what kind of crazy shit is in us
[Sep 16,2006 11:56am - KeithMutiny ""]
i bet theres all kinds of crazy shit in you...
[Sep 16,2006 12:02pm - Abbath ""]
hahahaha you ass pwneder
[Sep 16,2006 12:05pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Well that was interesting to look at first thing after waking up:pukeface:
[Sep 16,2006 12:11pm - powerkok ""]
hahaha Ogrish will do that to ya.
Thats nothing compared to the executions on there.
[Sep 16,2006 12:43pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Good thing this wasn't a video. I might have posted it in my video thread and nobody would have seen it. OHHHHHHHH!!!!!! SNAP
[Sep 16,2006 12:48pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Damn.Looks likes something from the Faces and Traces of Death movies.Check out Traces of Death 2 if you've havnt already seen it.
[Sep 16,2006 1:01pm - powerkok ""]
vomitthesoul said:Damn.Looks likes something from the Faces and Traces of Death movies.Check out Traces of Death 2 if you've havnt already seen it.

I saw those in 1993, when they were new.
[Sep 16,2006 3:40pm - Yeti ""]
that has amazing splatter.
[Sep 16,2006 3:42pm - dwellingsickness ""]
That could possibly be the new JASAD CD cover:NEWHORNS:
[Sep 16,2006 7:04pm - davefromthegrave ""]
she's kinda sexy except for those buck teeth
[Sep 16,2006 7:07pm - xanonymousx ""]
wow that looked br00tal
[Sep 16,2006 7:08pm - al that nli  ""]
i worked in mall. before i started some girl did that. supposedly someone who started before saw it happen.
[Sep 16,2006 7:09pm - al that nli  ""]
a mall rather ^
[Sep 16,2006 7:37pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I forgot about that website, such fucking awesome pics on that site.

Her head split looks fucking awesome. I can just stare at the back of her skull for minutes and just look at everything on the inside, and then pretend like I'm jerking off into it.
[Sep 16,2006 8:39pm - infoterror ""]
fuckarss said:2 Russia 37.4
3 Belarus 35.0
6 Hungaryk 32.1
7 Slovenia 30.9

[Sep 16,2006 10:43pm - R to the O Gizzle  ""]
God, I can't help jerking off to these pictures. Did someone try to fuck her when she was dead? Her pants were undone. Her shirt was up. Ah, fuck! I need to go spank it again.
[Sep 16,2006 11:35pm - OCR  ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:http://www.ogrish.com/archives/updatedsuicide_jump_at_the_sun_plaza_in_indonesia_Sep_14_2006.html

there is your new layout for a future LDOH cd
[Sep 17,2006 2:32pm - Yeti ""]
i cant get over the splatter from it. its like 30 feet away.
[Sep 17,2006 3:20pm - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
more people need to do this

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