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Into eternity?

[Sep 20,2006 3:33pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
is there a show this weekend at mark's? I heard about it but I am wondering if the lack of news here means it is not happening.
[Sep 22,2006 11:00am - anonymous  ""]
no one like them anymore?
[Sep 22,2006 12:40pm - dreadkill ""]
i think they are playing gigantour next friday
[Sep 22,2006 2:08pm - sinistas ""]
they're playing mark's next friday, gigantour doesn't have the second stage acts
[Sep 22,2006 3:13pm - dreadkill ""]
[Sep 22,2006 3:16pm - pam ""]
I'm never seeing them again. I can't take that asshole singer.
[Sep 22,2006 4:39pm - Ryan_M ""]
i think i saw them open up for hammerfall - they weren't that great; my friend bought one of their CD's and that wasn't any better.

their singer was a tad nuts - a little over excited if you ask me, he seemed way too into it.
[Sep 22,2006 5:04pm - pam ""]
he's a tool.
[Sep 23,2006 10:33am - killerrrrr kadoooogan!  ""]
Ryan_M said:i think i saw them open up for hammerfall - they weren't that great; my friend bought one of their CD's and that wasn't any better.

their singer was a tad nuts - a little over excited if you ask me, he seemed way too into it.

haha that's the exact opposite of what i heard about 'em from my brother. He saw him with Goatwhore/ at the Bomb Shelter a few years ago and i guess the guy just stood there apologizing.
[Dec 4,2006 2:24pm - anonymous  ""]
whats a matter pam?...stu shoot you down and now your jaded?
[Dec 4,2006 2:43pm - the_reverend ""]
the singer at the bs and the singer at the hammerfall shows are different people.

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