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[Sep 20,2006 7:55pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I like both fighters, I really can't decide on this one,I think the Underdog coming into the fight,Penn, But I dunno.
[Sep 20,2006 7:55pm - CNV  ""]
Hughes is going to destroy him
[Sep 20,2006 9:58pm - wakeoftears ""]
Probably Hughes, Penn hasnt been around enough lately.
[Sep 20,2006 10:48pm - powerkok ""]
Hughes by revenge choke.
[Sep 23,2006 5:56pm - dwellingsickness ""]
powerkok said:Hughes by revenge choke.

revenge choke?
[Sep 23,2006 8:56pm - babyshakernli  ""]
see my thing is every time i bet against penn he kicks the fuck outta people he's pulled the upset before but i still wanna think hughes
[Sep 24,2006 3:03am - MilitechFightingSystems ""]
BJ Penn gets Militech'd. Pounded into dust. 3rd round face-pummeling. Penn ended up in the Crucifix and got his face blown up. Hammer Smashed Face.org

Penn has no conditioning. Poor bastid.

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