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Does anyone hate Mad TV more than I do?

[Sep 27,2006 1:20pm - SinisterMinister ""]
So I'm home from work today, and decided to watch Comedy Central *barf* and that fucking retard Stuart comes on. Followed by an even worse character, Miss Swan. After I've angrily changed the channel all I can do is pray that someone will disembowel the writers for this show.
[Sep 27,2006 1:25pm - pam ""]
Mad TV sucks.
[Sep 27,2006 1:29pm - Aegathis ""]
I hate All TV
[Sep 27,2006 1:30pm - niccolai ""]
Mad TV and sat night live are both stupid fucking shows.
[Sep 27,2006 1:32pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Can anyone photoshop knives in her head?
[Sep 27,2006 1:37pm - dreadkill ""]
i hate mad tv, especially miss swan. stuart sucks hard too, but i want to kill that miss swan bitch every time i hear her annoying voice.
[Sep 27,2006 1:39pm - ShadowSD ""]
SNL is WAY better than MAD TV. But that's a whole different issue.

Here's the thing with MAD TV, the recurring characters SUCK. I don't know who in the hell finds Stuart or Ms. Swan or Lorraine or any of those piss poor characters funny, but they need to be dragged out into the street and shot. However, that's just original characters; MAD TV's parodies/impersonations/satire are actually quite excellent, whether it's entertainment or politics or whatever (for instance, whenever they do a song parody, they do an incredible job in the studio to make it sound EXACT, it's quite impressive, and makes the joke lyrics that much more effective). It's not quite worth sitting through all the barf-inducing original/recurring characters that the audience hoots and hollers for like a bunch of lobotomized hyenas, but if you have DVR or TIVO, just tape it, skip the bullshit, and watch the parodies and satire; it's TOTALLY worth it, great stuff.
[Sep 27,2006 1:45pm - SinisterMinister ""]
If i had dvr or trio, I would never waste a single ounce of space to record that fucking shit-house show.
[Sep 27,2006 2:05pm - Hoser ""]
Mad TV is not and never will be even minutely funny on any plane of existence.
[Sep 27,2006 2:07pm - dreadkill ""]
mad tv is the aids lesion of basic cable
[Sep 27,2006 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
MAD TV is fucking hilarious. so many great skits.

with that said, I hate watching it and want to change the channel whenever it's on.. no clue why.
[Sep 27,2006 2:30pm - niccolai ""]
The thing is.. it's ALWAYS fucking on.

A bunch of people must have died in their apartments 20 years ago and left comedy central on without anyone knowing they died.

That's the only possible way this show could get ratings.
[Sep 27,2006 2:35pm - SinisterMinister ""]
the_reverend said:MAD TV is fucking hilarious.

Are you feverish? Or just retarded?

[Sep 27,2006 2:38pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i fucking HATE mad tv...should not be allowed on tv at all...ever

should have never even been conceived as a show
[Sep 27,2006 3:02pm - BSV@school  ""]
musta been nice getting off early after an early rise.
i can't believe how drunk I got in such a short amount of time.
jager uber alles.
[Sep 27,2006 3:03pm - jared_the_zompire ""]
Show is soooooooo terrible. You posting this reminds me of how much I hate it.
[Sep 27,2006 3:16pm - brian_dc ""]
Seriously, I hate how MAD TV is always on and almost never funny. If I sucked I'd complain to Comedy Central.
[Sep 27,2006 3:17pm - pam ""]
Not to mention they only play the same 3 or 4 episodes of this shitty show over and over.

I don't miss cable anymore, thank you for reminding me why.
[Sep 27,2006 3:26pm - BSV@school  ""]
bring back conan o'brien on comedy central.
[Sep 27,2006 3:29pm - anonymous  ""]
" let me do it "
[Sep 27,2006 4:00pm - xanonymousx ""]
mad tv us is a horrible excuse for a t.v. show thats why its on all morning on comedy central used as filers
[Sep 27,2006 4:05pm - brian_dc ""]
BSV@school said:bring back conan o'brien on comedy central.

wow, I totally forgot that they had Conan episodes for a short period of time.

On a positive note, I think that Scrubs is a good addition to the schedule.
[Sep 27,2006 4:05pm - BSV@school  ""]
honestly, i kinda like stuart character, because a kid i grew up with had the same last name and his mother was exactly the same. the original season wasn't that bad. i like that blonde chick who was on it. nicole sullivan, is that her name> she wasn't that bad.
[Sep 27,2006 5:16pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
the_reverend said:MAD TV is fucking hilarious. so many great skits.

with that said, I hate watching it and want to change the channel whenever it's on.. no clue why.

That's exactly where I'm at.
[Sep 27,2006 6:43pm - SinisterMinister ""]
BSV@school said:
i can't believe how drunk I got in such a short amount of time.
jager uber alles.

Dude when I got home I puked my ass out of my throat.
I slept through my alarm clock going off for two goddam hours.
[Sep 27,2006 6:46pm - dreadkill ""]
brian_dc said:BSV@school said:bring back conan o'brien on comedy central.

wow, I totally forgot that they had Conan episodes for a short period of time.

On a positive note, I think that Scrubs is a good addition to the schedule.

i tried to watch scrubs a few times and got bored. maybe i'm not watching the best episodes.
[Sep 27,2006 7:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
SinisterMinister said:Dude when I got home I puked my ass out of my throat.
I slept through my alarm clock going off for two goddam hours.

HAHAHA, DUDE! I knew you were due!
[Sep 27,2006 7:26pm - anonymous  ""]
This guy is gayer than the fucking easter bunny.
[May 28,2011 7:57pm - anonymous  ""]
You guys should stop ranting and get on with your life.
[May 28,2011 9:06pm - ShadowSD ""]
Sounds like we all did... about five years ago.
[May 30,2011 10:34pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

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