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Farting Preacher

[Oct 2,2006 2:20pm - Ryan_M ""]
This is probably a repost, but I thought I'd share this link anyway.
If you've never watched the Farting Preacher videos, well, it's crude, stupid, and childish humor but I laugh my ass off every time.
[Oct 2,2006 2:23pm - the_reverend ""]
is that a video? you think someone would use the "video" flag
[Oct 2,2006 2:27pm - Ryan_M ""]
[Oct 2,2006 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
Ryan_M said:This is probably a repost, but I thought I'd share this link anyway.
If you've never watched the Farting Preacher videos, well, it's crude, stupid, and childish humor but I laugh my ass off every time.

how dare you use the words "crude, stupid and childish" to describe fart related humor. being in touch with farting is what makes a person complete. i think its retarded that fart jokes arent supposed to be funny to "adults". you are officially a "grown up" when you stop laughing at gas. someday i will teach my kids to worship the gas. love the gas Meg, LOVE IT!
[Oct 2,2006 6:47pm - Anti-Racism ""]
He's discriminating against Fart-Americans. Hey asshole! How'd you like to be called "Fart" or "Nigger"?
[Oct 2,2006 6:49pm - Allah That  ""]
i think there was a band called robert tilton handjob.
[Oct 2,2006 6:52pm - retzam ""]
Yeti said:Ryan_M said:This is probably a repost, but I thought I'd share this link anyway.
If you've never watched the Farting Preacher videos, well, it's crude, stupid, and childish humor but I laugh my ass off every time.

how dare you use the words "crude, stupid and childish" to describe fart related humor. being in touch with farting is what makes a person complete. i think its retarded that fart jokes arent supposed to be funny to "adults". you are officially a "grown up" when you stop laughing at gas. someday i will teach my kids to worship the gas. love the gas Meg, LOVE IT!

The sexiest thing a girl can do for a guy is learn to love his gas!
[Oct 2,2006 6:53pm - anonymous  ""]
Anti-Racism said:He's discriminating against Fart-Americans. Hey asshole! How'd you like to be called "Fart" or "Nigger"?

hahahaa.... GO MAN GO !!!!!
[Oct 2,2006 6:56pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Or "Fartnigger" or "Niggerfart"?

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