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Useless Music post

[Oct 2,2006 3:27pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
So what bands/genres/albums have you just become obsessed with recently.

For me it's: November's Doom, Popular Arabic music(the arabic music station on itunes kicks ass), Gorgoroth (I just borrowed an album from my girlfriend, she's big into black metal), and recently I've been listening to all the moonspell cds again
[Oct 2,2006 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
i cant stop listening to Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell. that cd is mind boggling. its so clear but so vicious. the dudes voice is blood curdling.
[Oct 2,2006 3:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I listen to WNYU and they play A LOT of indian pop music.. I feel like I'm in ballywood some times.
[Oct 2,2006 3:48pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Yeti said:i cant stop listening to Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell. that cd is mind boggling. its so clear but so vicious. the dudes voice is blood curdling.

Sounds interesting. Where can i hear some? Thanks.
[Oct 2,2006 4:19pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Old thrash metal CDs I've always wanted but have only recently been able to obtain by downloading:
Toxik - World Circus
Realm - Endless War
Blessed Death - Destined for Extinction
Dyoxen - First Among Equals

Thrash metal > all other sub-genres of metal
[Oct 2,2006 4:21pm - Anthony nli  ""]
And I've had it for years, but I have really been appreciating Forbidden - Twisted into Form alot lately. Some of the best riffs ever.
[Oct 2,2006 4:24pm - Ryan_M ""]
My personal favorites lately:
Absu "Tara"
Vader "Litany"
Immortal "Blizzard Beasts"
Deicide "Once Upon the Cross"
[Oct 2,2006 5:39pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i've been listening to a lot of arsis, gorod, atheist, pestilence, napalm death, hypnosia, decrypt, destruction, alarum and gravediggaz nonstop lately, with a little putrid pile and suffocation here and there.
[Oct 2,2006 5:58pm - anonymous  ""]
girlschool-hit and run
[Oct 2,2006 6:39pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Nothing but Discharge, Black Flag and the Cro-Mags (even if they are hateful racists, bigots, anti-Semites, homophobes, sexists, male supremacists and from Brooklyn).
[Oct 2,2006 6:54pm - retzam ""]
I've been listening to a lot of Agalloch lately, but I've been into them for a while. I got Melissa by Mercyful Fate about a month or so ago and I've been listening to that a lot.
[Oct 2,2006 6:59pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Listen to the Mercyful Fate more or you're going to end up GAY listening to Agalloch. Have you had uncontrollable urges to suck on cocks yet?
[Oct 2,2006 9:45pm - sever nli  ""]
retzam said:I've been listening to a lot of Agalloch lately

Their new stuff is really good.

[Oct 2,2006 11:59pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I've been listening to Death and Dream Theater a lot lately.
[Oct 3,2006 12:44am - brian_dc ""]
Kayo Dot and Misery Index.
[Oct 3,2006 12:46am - brian_dc ""]
along the lines of Kayo Dot, I've been listening to a lot of Mono, Mouth of the Architect, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Sigur Ros, Gregor Samsa, Khanate...anything really, really brooding has been doing the trick lately.
[Oct 3,2006 9:23am - xmikex ""]
I dunno how it happened but I'm all about late 80's early 90's metal lately: Possessed, Necrovore, Nuclear Assault, Absu, early Kataklysm
[Oct 3,2006 10:36am - Yeti ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:Yeti said:i cant stop listening to Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell. that cd is mind boggling. its so clear but so vicious. the dudes voice is blood curdling.

Sounds interesting. Where can i hear some? Thanks.

they might have a myspace page, i havent checked though. i found out about them by just going out on a whim and buying it. i had been checking it out for like a year, but i was afraid it was just going to be another in the vein of Xasthur/Leviathan, but its not. the recording sounds awesome, and its loaded with old school style riffage. i strongly recommend it for the 1000000 mph black metal fan. the drummer is nasty.
[Oct 3,2006 12:04pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I've randomly have started listening to all my classic rock albums again, especially queen

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