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Skybar new booking agent

[Oct 3,2006 9:51am - anonymous  ""]
A message from Anderson Mar, of Dark Sky Productions:

Official today, I have taken over as the main booking agent for The Skybar in Somerville, MA. Here's our October calendar, updated by <lj user="rojagato">:


- Tuesdays are singer/songwriter nights
- The 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month are the DARK SKY ("darker alternative" - read: goth/industrial/ethereal/doomy/eclectic/shockrock/etc.) nights
- We occasionally do <b>metal</b> nights...October 7th will be the first of these this month!
- We will also be doing <b>punk</b> nights. Worcesterian icon DJ Matthew Griffin will be assisting with many of these.
- I am open to working with subsidiary bookers who want to come in and set up a night (booking a 3-4 band bill). Email me for details.
- Looking for part-time experienced soundpeople for weeknights.
-<b>Looking for artists/vendors/etc. who would like to come in and showcase and sell their wares during the nights we have live music.</b> I believe strongly in the integration of art/commerce and music. There is never a charge to vend at The Skybar.


Other things I'm involved with that you might be interested in:

- The Manchester Metal Festival (Oct. 20-22) - http://www.myspace.com/metalfests ...email Matthew to sign up your band at metalfests@yahoo.com
- The New England Punk, Goth, and Metal Festival (rescheduled for Dec. 10th): - http://www.nepgmfest.com

Add me on myspace:

Bands: Press kits to: Dark Sky Productions, 298-R Lebanon Street, Malden, MA 02148-1706
(Matthew and I also have a cable access TV show on which we'll feature local bands' music, so your press kit will serve a dual purpose).

[Oct 3,2006 9:53am - Anthony nli  ""]
Awesome. Anders if you have any more dates available for metal shows, email me and let me know. I would like to book at the Skybar again. I can pretty much take whatever is next available.
[Oct 3,2006 9:54am - Anthony nli  ""]
[Oct 3,2006 10:11am - Othniel77 ""]
Thanks, Anthony! We are looking forward to your show on 11/11. It will be a nice touch to have a regular venue in the Boston area open to metal acts. Ever since The Chopping Block closed, alot of fans have expressed to me that there really hasn't been many venues in the area open to harder music.
[Oct 3,2006 10:19am - Othniel77 ""]
Bah, I had forgotten to log in! Need more coffee

Everyone come down this Saturday to see A Cold Reality, Dreaded Silence, Polaris, and Troll!
[Oct 3,2006 11:16am - Anthony nli  ""]
[Oct 3,2006 10:11am - Othniel77]
Thanks, Anthony! We are looking forward to your show on 11/11. It will be a nice touch to have a regular venue in the Boston
area open to metal acts. Ever since The Chopping Block closed, alot of fans have expressed to me that there really hasn't been
many venues in the area open to harder music.

I am really looking forward to the 11th as well. Gonna be a great show.

The Chopping Block was cool- Joe NC did alot of great stuff there. What Boston really needs is an all ages venue where it doesn't cost a fortune to get a date. The Library was amazing, but all basement venues pretty much have a short lifespan.
[Oct 3,2006 11:34am - Othniel77 ""]
There is pretty much a "ban" on all-ages shows in Boston since the unfortunate late-90's incident at the Middle East where the 15-year-old girl got her neck broken crowd-surfing...unless one wants to shell out $ to book a Legion or VFW Hall.

My goal in this life is to get the ban on all-ages shows repealed. Make Boston like Rochester, NY ;)
[Oct 3,2006 11:36am - Anthony nli  ""]
I really hope you can fulfill your goal! I am tired of booking/playing 21+ shows.

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