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Adam Mason & Mike Cantor Appreciation Thread

[Oct 4,2006 4:06pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Although they are not here in body... Actually they are completely mind, body, and soul in Europe right now. Adam probably not so much the 'mind' part. I miss these bastards and hope they return safely, with lots of drugs.
[Oct 4,2006 4:12pm - Anthony ""]
Somewhere in Europe right now, Adam Mason is drunk.
[Oct 4,2006 4:20pm - BSV@school  ""]
adam is one of the most modest dudes i've ever been friends with. the greatest front man i've ever worked with. the greatest singer i've ever worked with. one of my best friends and favorite people on earth.
mike is one of the most down to earth dudes i've ever been friends with. his chill attitude always brings relaxing vibes to the room. he has a wonderfully broad knowledge of all things in the world.
i miss them both!
these two dudes were also responsible for making me realize that all trashland kids arn't so bad, after all.
[Oct 4,2006 4:25pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Did you just say that Mike is down to earth? The only planet Mike is down with definetely does not belong in our solar system.
[Oct 4,2006 4:45pm - BSV@school  ""]
that's because me and him arn't from this world, we're both on the same page. you non esp infidel.
[Oct 4,2006 5:18pm - SinisterMinister ""]
First you pretend to be European. Now you "are" an alien. Nigga please.
[Oct 4,2006 6:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill be in framingham somewhere drinking a beer in a few minutes, ill keep them in mind.
[Oct 5,2006 10:44am - Yeti ""]
i used to work for Adam's dad in Grafton.
[Oct 5,2006 7:02pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Norman Mason is GODSIZE.

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