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tonight at the bombshelter

[Oct 25,2003 4:04pm - dyingmuse ""]
shroud of bereavement
life at zero
kurixis (from maine)
and others tba
ladies for free
at the bombshelter in manchester nh
[Oct 25,2003 4:18pm - thornnvine ""]
sweet. I'm there. who else is going?
[Oct 25,2003 4:22pm - retzam ""]
Ladies for free? I could totally pass as a girl!
[Oct 25,2003 4:39pm - the_reverend ""]
ladies 21+ are free
[Oct 25,2003 6:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah. looks like everyone will be here...wo hooo. i think we will be playing for the other bands...lol
[Oct 26,2003 4:09am - the_reverend ""]
how did it go?
[Oct 26,2003 4:59am - dyingmuse ""]
it went awesome! life at zero kicked ass. karixis was good too. all around a good show. we will be doing a ALL AGES show there soon. i really like that place and i like serge hes a cool mother fucker. thanks to everyone who came out tonight. i met some cool people tonight and had a blast. those kids in the front row were crazy! \m/
[Oct 26,2003 6:04am - the_reverend ""]
there was more than ne row?
ww.. the bombshelter's webpage must be doning it.
[Oct 26,2003 11:49am - The Dark Violinist  ""]
"i really like that place and i like serge hes a cool mother fucker."

When I played with you guys there last august, you got in a fight with Serge. I assume you patched things up.
[Oct 26,2003 1:54pm - thornnvine ""]
We sat with serge for 2 hours after the show. he's really a good guy, his heart is in the right place. The show went well even thought the crowd was thin everyone was enthusiastic. All the bands had their own energy which kept the momentum going from band to band. Even the opening band, lucid under current closed their queensryche/scorpionish set with Mr. Crowley

Life at Zero were fucking tight and Krixus were amazing. reminded me of old Enslaved! 2 great bands. I look forward to playing with them in the future.

The show was last minute and we explained to serge that he can't book metal shows the same night that a big show is happening elsewhere. He doesn't know a lot about the metal scene but is very supportive. I think we will be seeing more metal shows happening at the bombshelter on a regular basis. stay tuned.......
[Oct 26,2003 1:59pm - Dunwich ""]
We all had a good time and we definately enjoyed Shroud and Life at Zero. It was the first time I had ever been to the bombshelter and it seems like a really cool venue (18+ shows are almost impossible to come by in Maine and the people working there all seemed nice).
[Oct 26,2003 2:45pm - dyingmuse ""]
fuck yeah kudos to the bombshelter and kudos to the local scene...you mother fuckers are keeping this thing alive \m/
[Oct 26,2003 6:32pm - Terence ""]
thornnvine said: I think we will be seeing more metal shows happening at the bombshelter on a regular basis. stay tuned.......


[Oct 26,2003 6:41pm - phantos ""]
it sounds like I missed a good show.
[Oct 26,2003 7:24pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah you did! \m/

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