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Actors who cant act

[Oct 7,2006 11:46am - vomitthesoul ""]
[Oct 7,2006 11:59am - vomitthesoul ""]
Keanu Reaves
Clint Eastwood
Anyone from Dawsons Creek
The Rock
Ben Stiller
Adam Sandler
Tara Reid
[Oct 7,2006 12:04pm - the_reverend ""]
nicolas cage
[Oct 7,2006 12:21pm - pam in quincy  ""]
Ben Affleck...fucking terrible.
[Oct 7,2006 12:34pm - vomitthesoul ""]
I agree.Although Phantoms was decent.I think Ben was in that
[Oct 7,2006 12:34pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Mini me
Snoop Dog
Angelina Jolie
[Oct 7,2006 12:39pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
the_reverend said:nicolas cage

You beat me to it.
[Oct 7,2006 12:50pm - DUGNLI  ""]
vomitthesoul said:I agree.Although Phantoms was decent.I think Ben was in that

Do you even read what you write? You have the worst opinions in the history of bad opinions.
[Oct 7,2006 1:00pm - dreadkill ""]
pam in quincy said:Ben Affleck...fucking terrible.

he is the worst and makes me ashamed to be from boston.
[Oct 7,2006 1:01pm - dreadkill ""]
colin farrell needs to be on this list. what a fag that guy is.
[Oct 7,2006 1:22pm - vomitthesoul ""]
DUGNLI said:vomitthesoul said:I agree.Although Phantoms was decent.I think Ben was in that

Do you even read what you write? You have the worst opinions in the history of bad opinions.

I didnt say that Ben Afleck was a good actor.He didnt make Phantoms interesting to watch.Rose McGowan did that

[Oct 7,2006 10:11pm - yummy ""]
I want some pecan fucking pie!
[Oct 7,2006 11:31pm - the_reverend ""]
matt damon (same character just variably terrible accents)
[Oct 7,2006 11:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
Everyone that's ever played Anakin Skywalker other than the original Darth Vader himself.
[Oct 8,2006 12:02am - nicc nli  ""]
Whoever the little boy in 'the santa clause' is, he was the worst ever.
[Oct 8,2006 12:02am - the_reverend ""]
but.. they changed the movies so he new guy is in the old movie
[Oct 8,2006 1:14am - powerkok ""]
How dare you say Clint cant act.
[Oct 8,2006 1:22am - Allah That  ""]
Adam Sandler keeps retarded people off of the streets.

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