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Vinland Winds

[Oct 8,2006 1:37am - Anti-Racism ""]
I got stoned, ate half a pack of nutter butters and then there was nothing else, so I consumed a half-bag of bran cereal which was pretty good with salsa on it. Now I'm producing these Vinland Winds that are flapping the curtains and killing the cockroaches. How does one stop farting? If it doesn't get better, I'm going to cram a vacuum attachment up my ass and suck out all that bad air.
[Oct 8,2006 1:42am - Allah That  ""]
aren't you scared of bealzebub?
[Oct 8,2006 2:10am - Anti-Racism ""]
I'm scared of a lack of oxygen right now. Or someone lighting a match.

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