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GG Allin on Jane Whitney

[Oct 8,2006 8:23pm - Ryan_M ""]
While trolling YouTube for GG Allin videos, I came upon this, The Jane Whitney show with GG as a guest.
It isn't as funny as when he was on Jerry Springer, here he pretty much acts like a child; pouting and being difficult when people try to question his antics, but this video is a rarity, and I figured some people might be interested in seeing it.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o1El4xuKuI&mode=related&search=
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3E3vZSoWGA&mode=related&search=
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0Sq9q_0JI0
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBfP4dlOEos&mode=related&search=
[Oct 8,2006 9:32pm - Troll ""]
Thats right, spread the GG!
[Oct 8,2006 9:41pm - mOe ""]
this guy really was our of his mind
[Oct 8,2006 9:45pm - Ryan_M ""]
mOe said:this guy really was our of his mind

Actually, psychologists who talked with him during his trial for the rape of a woman in Michigan claimed that GG was an intelligent person who had a clear idea of what he was doing and why.
He might have been ripped out of his head a lot, I'm sure especially on stage, but the shit he did was intentional and there were reasons for it.
[Oct 8,2006 9:47pm - Troll ""]
he was?
[Oct 8,2006 9:48pm - Troll ""]
Woops I meant that for mOe^
[Oct 8,2006 9:54pm - yummy ""]
Isn't everyone difficult? Take it or leave it.
[Oct 8,2006 9:56pm - Troll ""]
GG made a conscious decision to not suppress his true nature. It doesn't make him a bad guy. To me he is an angel. He represents freedom.
[Oct 8,2006 9:56pm - SteveOTB ""]
Such a fucking nut job.
[Oct 8,2006 9:57pm - Troll ""]
Sometimes I think the only reason I stay in NH is to go to his grave and talk to him.
[Oct 8,2006 9:59pm - yummy ""]
[Oct 8,2006 10:01pm - Troll ""]
[Oct 8,2006 10:01pm - Troll ""]
He's my spiritual advisor.
[Oct 8,2006 10:01pm - CNV  ""]
I heard an interesting story about GG once

that he went into a popular restraunt in manchester where he went up to a table with several couples sitting and relaxing

He went up and said hi my name is GG and then unzipped his pants and started jacking off in front of them
[Oct 8,2006 10:03pm - Troll ""]
This I do not doubt.
[Oct 8,2006 10:19pm - retzam ""]
"How many of you can, at 35 years old, sleep with 16, 12, 13 year old girls, and boys, and animals? Hey this is the life! I got it all!"

[Oct 8,2006 11:04pm - NippleViolater ""]
G.G. is alive, I saw him at the Brickhouse.

I fuckin wish.
[Oct 8,2006 11:04pm - Anti-Racism ""]
G.G. Allin is Space Moose.
[Oct 9,2006 12:06am - hung_to_bleed ""]
I have negative respect for a dude who stuck things in his asshole.
[Oct 9,2006 12:11am - hung_to_bleed ""]
"you're kids are my kids.."
sound like:
"....I'm going to kill my self and take them with me"
[Oct 9,2006 12:19am - Anti-Racism ""]
Pile of bodies... dead morons... I must masturbate

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