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Movie: the Good Shepherd

[Oct 9,2006 8:13pm - succubus ""]

supposedly out the end of the year

looking forwrd to this one
[Oct 9,2006 8:14pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
yeah I saw the preview with "The Departed" last night, not only is the cast amazing, the movie looks damn good overall.
[Oct 9,2006 8:21pm - succubus ""]
ohhh they didn't show that preview when i saw the departed...
[Oct 9,2006 8:43pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
did you see the preview for "300"? That looks fucking phenomenal.
[Oct 9,2006 10:27pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
300 might end up being my favorite movie ever from that preview. Gerald Butler is a bad ass.
[Jan 1,2007 8:55pm - succubus ""]
anyone see it yet?
[Jan 14,2007 8:03pm - succubus ""]
saw it last night in nyc

depressing and long

i didn't like that it supposedly took place over 20 years and yet matt damon and angelina looked the same through out the movie despite them trying to make her look like she was going through a depression.
[Jan 15,2007 9:45am - succubus ""]
can't believe no one else saw it.
oh well
[Jan 15,2007 12:00pm - mcmahon ""]
i liked it.
[Jan 15,2007 12:59pm - succubus ""]

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