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testing the daylight savings clock

[Oct 26,2003 12:33pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 26,2003 1:34pm - retzam ""]
Did it work? Huh, did it? Did it work? Did it really work? Did it really really work? Did it really really really work? Did it really really really really work? Huh? Did it work? Really?
[Oct 26,2003 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
the time changed, but it messed up somethings on the board.
so I fixed those issues.
[Oct 26,2003 4:24pm - retzam ""]
[Oct 26,2003 4:36pm - the_reverend ""]
right now, I'm writing a program to turn my photo-processing time from 15minute to and hour (using my programs/scripts and photoschop to put the logos on)
down to a minute or so..

inital tests on the program I'm writing indicate 1-5 seconds per image (on 6mp images ~2MB).
fuck photo shop, I can do everything I want in java.
[Oct 26,2003 5:24pm - retzam ""]
Damn it. Just by speaking you insult everyone's intelligence.
[Oct 27,2003 1:55am - MyDeadDoll ""]
gawd damn daylight savings time fucked me all up. AZ doesn't participate 'cos we're lame, but the clock on my DVD player automatically changes... so i was an hour off all day... making me an hour late to my cousin's lame ass wedding... the food sucked, the music sucked, but at least there was an open bar...
[Oct 6,2004 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 6,2004 2:23pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 6,2004 2:26pm - succubus ""]
is now..to the minute

yer wlecome for telling you :p
[Oct 6,2004 2:28pm - Lynneaus ""]
uhhhh daylight savings isnt till the end of the month isnt it?

dont worry about it now
[Oct 6,2004 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
well, this server will now auto-adjust the time when it does come.
too bad, I'm getting a new server in 1-2 weeks.
[Oct 6,2004 2:35pm - succubus ""]
yep and today it auto adjusted twice

[Oct 6,2004 3:00pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
when is daylight savings time anyway?
[Oct 6,2004 3:05pm - anonymouse  ""]
eh, it didn't auto-adjust twice, that was manual fucking-with-server while we figured out how to switch it from EST to EDT. Blame Drew.

[Oct 6,2004 3:07pm - succubus ""]

i know because i told aaron as soon as i noticed and he told me what you were doing


i did blame you Drew! =)
[Oct 6,2004 3:07pm - anonymouse  ""]
Daylight savings is the Halloween Sunday, isn't it? Same day I move into my new house.
[Oct 6,2004 3:08pm - anonymouse  ""]
Oh yeah baby, blame me, I like it rough.
[Oct 6,2004 3:15pm - succubus ""]
really? doesn't look like it here!
[Oct 6,2004 3:21pm - anomymouse ""]
HAHA my annoying I-didn't-do-laundry shirt! Disturbingly, Aaron's mom looks like my sister Cyndi in that pic, freaked me out for a second.
[Oct 6,2004 3:26pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
so if daylight savings is the last weekend of october, it's totally gonna fuck me up coming back from LA... bastards!
[Oct 6,2004 3:28pm - succubus ""]
take the monday off! so you get an extra vacation day

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