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Post pictures of the best dump you've ever taken

[Oct 15,2006 10:12pm - Anti-Racism ""]


[Oct 15,2006 10:33pm - Troll ""]
Thats why I don't eat ethnic food.
[Oct 15,2006 10:35pm - Drained  ""]
dude thats fucking disgusting!!!!!!!, really its not funny, you think you are thats the problem, let me know what would you think if i post pics from Auschwitz camp showing your people getting gassed
[Oct 15,2006 11:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I just ate 3 1/2 big ears of corn and 3 huge apples.
[IMG]http://www.peterswift.org/applesauce 008.jpg[/IMG]
[Oct 15,2006 11:28pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Drained said:dude thats fucking disgusting!!!!!!!, really its not funny, you think you are thats the problem, let me know what would you think if i post pics from Auschwitz camp showing your people getting gassed

It would be OK if they were shitting at the time.
[Oct 16,2006 1:16pm - ariavette ""]
Anti-Racism said:Drained said:dude thats fucking disgusting!!!!!!!, really its not funny, you think you are thats the problem, let me know what would you think if i post pics from Auschwitz camp showing your people getting gassed

It would be OK if they were shitting at the time.

yah.. but every other time.. anyone mentions something even REMOTELY racist your all fucking over it... idiot
[Oct 16,2006 4:14pm - intricateprocess ""]
[Oct 16,2006 4:15pm - pam ""]
WHY...WHY did I click on this?
[Oct 16,2006 4:19pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
intricateprocess said:[img]

My colon hurts just looking at that dook.
[Oct 16,2006 4:20pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
pam said:WHY...WHY did I click on this?

Because deep down inside of everyone hides a little fecal freak.

[Oct 16,2006 4:22pm - Troll ""]
Im into shit

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