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another reason Weymouth rules

[Oct 20,2006 3:21pm - brad weymouth  ""]
the Cameo movie theatre is now 1.99$
take that Randolph Coon-a-plex!!
[Oct 20,2006 3:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i was hoping cause you, tom and john were gonna be playing a show again soon
[Oct 20,2006 3:26pm - brad weymouth  ""]
not till next year sometime.
[Oct 20,2006 3:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
even with only two months left in the year, this news makes me sad.

please at least say you three are writing or recording shit.

i needs my CWAF fix
[Oct 20,2006 3:36pm - brad weymouth  ""]
tom is writing shit. we have no place to jam, John hasn't worked in over 4 months so his drums are in serious need of repair/replacement. We needed the time off anyways, a lot of personal shit transpired this year in the Weymouth Rock Organization. Next year should be better
[Oct 20,2006 3:37pm - brad weymouth  ""]
i'll get you a copy of the Floydestroyer stuff if that'll help the DT's?
[Oct 20,2006 3:45pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 20,2006 3:59pm - niccolai ""]
the cameo always was 2$ but about 4-5 years ago, they upped the price.
[Oct 20,2006 4:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
brad weymouth said:the Cameo movie theatre is now 1.99$
take that Randolph Coon-a-plex!!

I remember going to the Cameo to see 3 month old movies for $1.00. Are these $1.99 ones new movies?

brad weymouth said:Randolph Coon-a-plex!!

Holy shit, you hit the nail on the head with that one. That movie theatre has made me racist. Literally. If I had never been to that theatre I would be fine. That place is overrun with walking piles of garbage. Way to live up to the stereotypes you fucking losers.

[Oct 20,2006 4:15pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]

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