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The Killers tomorrow @ the Orpheum

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Oct 25,2006 11:30am - succubus ""]
I'm really looking forward to this show...I heard tix sold out amazingly fast.ps: bite me
[Oct 25,2006 11:30am - dreadkill ""]
[Oct 25,2006 11:31am - dreadkill ""]
see, i responded to your gay music posts
[Oct 25,2006 11:31am - succubus ""]
[Oct 25,2006 11:32am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
this band is awful
[Oct 25,2006 12:22pm - powerkok ""]
The Killers are awesome.
[Oct 26,2006 5:27pm - succubus ""]
[Oct 26,2006 9:32pm - succubus ""]
Red romance opened...I don't like the band name..but they were pretty good....the killers killed..errr slayed...they were wow for the 25 minutes errr 22 minutes I saw. I ran out to make my train so I wouldn't get the last one that takes a hell of a lot longer.
[Oct 26,2006 9:33pm - succubus ""]
Ps: is there a game tonight? Rather....is it a bruins game? I saw a ton of bruins merch on people and 1 lady wearing a montreal canadien woooooo
[Oct 27,2006 7:15am - Allah That  ""]
dreadkill said:gay

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