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Rich Horror is carving my pumpkin right now.

[Oct 28,2006 7:43pm - pam nli  ""]
Oh yeah. Get jealous.
[Oct 28,2006 7:45pm - Kevord ""]
Is that code for something?
[Oct 28,2006 7:46pm - pam nli  ""]
No, he's carving my fucking pumpkin.

Get over here you scumbag, we're having a scumbag meeting that is far superior to any plans you might have.
[Oct 28,2006 7:48pm - Kevord ""]
I'm drinking Jack Daniels by the computer. It's pretty important and requires my full attention.
[Oct 28,2006 7:57pm - pam nli  ""]
bullshit. Come over.
[Oct 28,2006 7:58pm - Kevord ""]
Fuck, alright I'm looking up directions now.
[Oct 28,2006 8:09pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, it's really had tocleave a ring around the pümpkïn and all it a pill. wicked hard.
[Oct 28,2006 8:10pm - Kevord ""]
I'm on my way now. If I don't make it it's because I died in a horrible car crash.
[Oct 29,2006 5:06am - Kevord ""]
I made it and I'm home now. I almost murdered Rich Horror in the process.
[Oct 29,2006 9:38am - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
Inhave moreor less no recollectionof anything that happened last night. Therefor it was a rousing success.
[Oct 29,2006 10:35am - theaccursedvokillist nli  ""]
rich you were so fucked!
[Oct 29,2006 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
I hear the night ended in a 3-some for RH. he played lucky pierre to a warmed pumpkin with a nice hole carved in it and a shapely gourd
[Oct 29,2006 1:28pm - Kevord ""]
Rich, hows your head? I'm just glad you woke up alive this morning. One less lawsuit on my hands.
[Oct 29,2006 4:25pm - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
It feels fine. I remember waking up in a child's room and when I looked to my left, there was an uncocnious woman lying on a bed with her hair everywhere, and thought 'not again'.
[Oct 29,2006 4:25pm - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
It feels fine. I remember waking up in a child's room and when I looked to my left, there was an uncocnious woman lying on a bed with her hair everywhere, and thought 'not again'.
[Oct 29,2006 4:25pm - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
It feels fine. I remember waking up in a child's room and when I looked to my left, there was an uncocnious woman lying on a bed with her hair everywhere, and thought 'not again'.
[Oct 29,2006 4:26pm - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
Haha, triple post. I wish I knew where my glasses were.
[Oct 29,2006 4:29pm - Kevord ""]
RichHorrorNLI said:It feels fine. I remember waking up in a child's room and when I looked to my left, there was an uncocnious woman lying on a bed with her hair everywhere, and thought 'not again'.

I bet you thought the fake blood she was covered in was real. lol
[Oct 29,2006 6:22pm - RichHorror ""]
I just wanted her to love me. :(
[Oct 29,2006 8:16pm - RichHorror ""]
RichHorrorNLI said:Inhave moreor less no recollectionof anything that happened last night. Therefor it was a rousing success.

haha, I also have no memory of typing that. I rule.
[Oct 30,2006 8:03am - RichHorror ""]
More of this night has been revealed to me. I'm a disgusting piece of shit.
[Oct 30,2006 8:57am - pam ""]
Yeah you were a fucking mess, dearest. Nothing like the back of your friend's skull being swollen to sober you up.

I haven't seen your glasses, I never saw you wear them that day.

My mongolantern is still kicking. I'll get some pictures up later of this outstanding scumbagfest. If you missed it, you missed the most dead serious party ever. EVER.

Kevin I'm glad you made it home, I was worried you would drive off the road and Rich would die and my party would have 2 casualties.
[Oct 30,2006 8:59am - RichHorror ""]
If they're anywhere, they're under the bed I slept in, or in that room. They were in my pants pocket. I definitely ensured that no females in attendance will be going on a date with my anytime soon.
[Oct 30,2006 3:44pm - pam ""]
Best post-party email so far:

From: Jacky
Date: Oct 30, 2006 3:29 PM

...If you know who put a cigarette out on my leg because I don't. Just curious.
[Oct 30,2006 4:07pm - RichHorror ""]
I wish it was me. No wonder I'm such a failure with the ladies.
[Oct 30,2006 4:28pm - Kevord ""]
Damn I wish I smoked then I would have been the cause of every count of battery at the party.
[Oct 30,2006 4:32pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm still wearing my costume, but only to keep my brain from falling out of my skull.
[Oct 30,2006 4:33pm - Kevord ""]
The egg on the back of your head was bigger than your actual head. I didn't think it was physically possible.
[Oct 30,2006 4:35pm - RichHorror ""]
I am all that is man.
[Mar 26,2012 11:04am - Noteworthy  ""]
[Mar 26,2012 11:07am - KEVORD ""]
HAHAHAHA!!! This was a fun night.
[Mar 26,2012 11:21am - narkybark ""]
Aren't you glad you went?

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