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A great day for DEATH...

[Oct 29,2006 1:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Human, Individual Thought Patterns and Symbolic are all loaded up in the CD player now.

:skull: DEATH ruled. :skull:
[Oct 29,2006 1:04pm - brian_dc ""]
those were my favorite DEATH albums \m/
[Oct 29,2006 1:34pm - patmeebles ""]
Human and Symbolic for me
[Oct 29,2006 1:50pm - blue ""]
symbolic owns all.
[Oct 29,2006 2:17pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Good albums, but Spiritual Healing is the best for me.
[Oct 29,2006 2:32pm - chris from shit fuck nli  ""]
Scream bloody Gore and Leprosy for me. The earlier albums had such a raw feel to them. I love every Death album though.
[Oct 29,2006 2:33pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i too love every death album. as should everyone. leprosy is my favorite out of the older death era, but symbolic is my favorite all around.
[Oct 29,2006 3:09pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Had to put in The Sound of Perseverance.
[Oct 29,2006 3:11pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 29,2006 5:34pm - Phillip ""]
fuck yea mang
the past few weeks Ive been listening to Individual Thought Patterns non stop

the solo for Trapped in a Corner slays me
[Oct 29,2006 5:56pm - retzam ""]
I listened to Individual Thought Patterns today for the first time in a while. I'd say that's probably my favorite album by them, but Scream Bloody Gore rocks sooo hard too.

The Trapped In A Corner solo slays me also. I love that solo.
[Oct 29,2006 6:03pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I was just listening to Individual thought patterns today.
[Oct 29,2006 6:06pm - brad weymouth  ""]
the demos people, the demos
[Oct 29,2006 6:13pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
the Death By Metal demo kicks ass.
[Oct 29,2006 6:16pm - Murph ""]
Trapped in a Corner amazes me. Individual Thought Patterns in my idiotic opinion is different than any album of any style I've ever heard because the groove is almost pop in its presentation, but there are subtle complexities in the songwriting and feel that I love. I always get such a great feeling when listening to that album. Also, Sacred Serenity does it for me off of Symbolic, don't know why.
[Oct 29,2006 6:18pm - Murph ""]
haha, and the bass drum sound on ITP is so odd; in my car it sounds awesome, but in headphones is pitiful. It's like tapping an eraser on a desk.
[Oct 29,2006 6:28pm - anonymous  ""]
My favorite Death album is Leprosy

[Oct 29,2006 7:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Same here, even after 18 years of hearing it and all the other CDs, it still is.
[Oct 29,2006 8:21pm - tomx nli  ""]
i got an ipod specifically to keep the entire death discography (and cryptopsy's) on my person at all times. what a fucking awesome band.
[Oct 29,2006 8:38pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
I always found "Evil Dead" and "Crystal Mountain" to be incredible songs.
[Oct 30,2006 9:53am - Anthony ""]
Death is my favorite band.
[Oct 30,2006 9:55am - dreadkill ""]
crystal mountain is my favorite death song. RIP Chuck
[Oct 30,2006 10:06am - Granny_Monster ""]
[Oct 30,2006 10:31pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 30,2006 10:42pm - Ryan_M ""]
patmeebles said:Human and Symbolic for me

These are my two favorites as well.
[Oct 30,2006 11:06pm - retzam ""]
As far as favorite songs go I think mine are Zombie Ritual, Leprosy, Trapped In A Corner, Crystal Mountain, and Scavenger Of Human Sorrow.
[Oct 30,2006 11:20pm - Murph ""]
Off of SOP, A Moment of Clarity is pretty sweet
[Nov 1,2006 5:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 1,2006 7:33pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
The first 3 are killer, After that,they bore me
[Nov 1,2006 7:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'm going with Dwellinginsickness.

Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy are amazing, two of the greatest death metal albums ever. Death Metal, as in menacing, evil sounding riffs, something almost completely neglected these days in the br00talitech pissing contest.

Spiritual Healing is still great but after that they got into all this progressive, philosophical shit that became extremely tacky. I'm not knocking the music, it's still pretty good on Symbolic and Individual Thought Patterns, etc. but those records started to have filler tunes and the guitar tone just seemed too thinly produced, clean, repressed, nothing like the glorious raw tone used on Leprosy.

Sound of Perseverance I didn't care for, it was a Control Denied record basically that Chuck tosses his worst vocals yet on. Should have just had Tim Aylmar sing on that one and released it as Control Denied. Painkiller cover was awful.
[Nov 1,2006 9:49pm - retzam ""]
I love the vocals on Sound Of Perseverance.
[Nov 2,2006 7:55am - watchmaker666 ""]
Leprosy man, pull the plug still fucking kills me !
[Nov 2,2006 9:54am - Anthony nli  ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I'm going with Dwellinginsickness.

Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy are amazing, two of the greatest death metal albums ever. Death Metal, as in menacing, evil sounding riffs, something almost completely neglected these days in the br00talitech pissing contest.

Spiritual Healing is still great but after that they got into all this progressive, philosophical shit that became extremely tacky. I'm not knocking the music, it's still pretty good on Symbolic and Individual Thought Patterns, etc. but those records started to have filler tunes and the guitar tone just seemed too thinly produced, clean, repressed, nothing like the glorious raw tone used on Leprosy.

Sound of Perseverance I didn't care for, it was a Control Denied record basically that Chuck tosses his worst vocals yet on. Should have just had Tim Aylmar sing on that one and released it as Control Denied. Painkiller cover was awful.

Yo Scott I totally disagree with you hehe. There are zero "filler" death songs from 'Human' onward. I could care less if the guitar tone is less raw and heavy when it's some of the best music I've ever heard. Also, Sound of Perseverance is most definitely a Death record and Chuck's vocals are killer on it, imo. Chuck wasn't afraid to do anything with his band and that's why he was so great. He made the music he was inspired to make and didn't care about anything else.
[Nov 2,2006 9:57am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
so pissed i never got to see them live... death...live... i need more sleep
[Nov 2,2006 10:11am - DIE - nli  ""]
Human and Individual thought patterns for me today.

maybe some Leprosy, Scream Bloody Gore and Symbolic afterwards
[Nov 2,2006 11:47am - anonymous  ""]
i've seen death live a few times and in the eary years they were awesome. so new and "scary"! I didn't really like Scream that much. Leprosy was a cool album and I enjoyed it a lot when i was a little tot. Then Spiritual came out w/Murphy and i was in heaven! then Human just blew me away. Individual is good also and i kinda stopped there. The one after that was decent and i saw them on that tour and i wasn't impressed with the bassist at that time. At least Gene was still in the band. I gotta dig out all my old pics of these guys from 1988 to 1995. RIP, Chuck was awesome

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