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Billy Meier's Prophecy for WWIII

[Nov 1,2006 6:48pm - BornSoVile ""]

Billy Meier has repeatedly warned of an impending Third World War beginning in November of either 2006, 2008, 2010, or 2011 if the USA and Israel continue their war crimes and international interference in the policies of other nation-states. This is part of the Henoch Prophecies, widely considered to be one of his most important Contacts, which also allegedly predicted the September 11, 2001 attacks on the WTC and Pentagon almost two decades before they occurred. He, and through him Ptaah, still hold that this disaster is imminent if Israel and the USA are not stopped on their rampage through the Middle-East. He has also denounced the terroristic activities and vigilante behaviours of various Muslim extremist groups, which he says only foments the possibility for war. At present, Billy's Contacts suggest that this November (2006) is the most likely time for the beginning of World War III, if measures are not undertaken to stop the USA and Israel. According to his latest reports, the 2006 Israel-Lebanon Conflict is very possibly only the beginning of what will eventually spiral into full-fledged World War by 2008, if the major first event begins this November. [6] He has said, specifically, that 4 world-leaders will die within 7 days of one another in November of some year (see above), and that this is the sign that World War III has begun.

[Nov 1,2006 6:53pm - DeRtOxIa ""]
it's ok, according to the Mayans the world ends in Dec of 2012 anyway.
[Nov 1,2006 7:24pm - grundlegremlin ""]
DeRtOxIa said:it's ok, according to the Mayans the world ends in Dec of 2012 anyway.

And if that doesn't happen an asteroid is most likely to hit on get this,Friday the 13th of April 2029.
[Nov 1,2006 7:43pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
None of which is going to happen anyway.
[Nov 1,2006 8:38pm - burnitdown ""]
No humanity will destroy itself. How long before the USA is fighting China, India and Russia? And USA is too weak to defend itself these days.
[Nov 1,2006 9:16pm - dftg  ""]
DeRtOxIa said:it's ok, according to the Mayans the world ends in Dec of 2012 anyway.

Actually the mayans predicted that the world would end on May 5, 2005. As you can see, the mayans were right. We all better prepare for the end again!
[Nov 1,2006 9:28pm - the_reverend ""]
usa über alles!
[Nov 1,2006 9:45pm - retzam ""]
grundlegremlin said:DeRtOxIa said:it's ok, according to the Mayans the world ends in Dec of 2012 anyway.

And if that doesn't happen an asteroid is most likely to hit on get this,Friday the 13th of April 2029.

Actually, it's not gonna hit us then, but it's going to pass very very close, and if it passes through a certain "window" of space, Earth's gravity will pull it onto a collision course with Earth 14 years later or something. At least that's what I saw on Discovery channel once.
[Nov 2,2006 10:47am - Yeti ""]
thats so dumb. i predict the world will end this year. or next year. or maybe 2 years after that. or it might be 5 or 8 years from now. but someday the world will end, and when it does you'll all be sorry and wish you had listened to me! back in 1941 i'm willing to bet that they predicted the world would end within a few years. during the Vietnam War i'm sure they were convinced the world would end during the war. the world isnt going to end in our lifetime, and the only end it will meet will be when the sun dies.
[Nov 2,2006 10:51am - sacreligion ""]
DeRtOxIa said:it's ok, according to the Mayans the world ends in Dec of 2012 anyway.

i think they just ran out of room on the calendar
[Nov 2,2006 10:51am - xmikex ""]
don't worry.... help is on the way...

[Nov 2,2006 10:51am - sacreligion ""]
"yeah, that's 2000 years from now, we'll worry about it then if we're still a civilization"

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