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Weird Al on Leno tonight!!

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Nov 3,2006 12:00am - Brad Weymouth  ""]
[Nov 3,2006 12:02am - xiwontletgo ""]
[Nov 3,2006 12:04am - anonymous  ""]
is it on as we speak or is he doing a song at the end?
[Nov 3,2006 12:04am - Brad Weymouth  ""]
they always do the music last. der. fool.
[Nov 3,2006 12:08am - drab  ""]
allston rocks sooooo much harder dude, AHderp!
[Nov 3,2006 6:21pm - brad weymouth  ""]
haha, allston. place is a dump full of shitheads

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