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Can you name these mutants?

[Nov 3,2006 2:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't know who most of them are...
[Nov 3,2006 2:20pm - skullfucked nli  ""]
i was duped into thinking this was a thread about women.
[Nov 3,2006 2:23pm - RichHorror ""]
I just know Beak, Angel [the black chick], Toad and the babies with wings I assume are Beak and Angel's kids. This is definitely way after I stopped reading.
[Nov 3,2006 2:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't remember angel.. is the blond girl mystique?
[Nov 3,2006 2:39pm - RichHorror ""]
Unless they brought Mystique back, no. These characters came up in that 'New X-Men' book.
[Nov 3,2006 2:39pm - RichHorror ""]
I look back at this conversation and am amazed that either one of us gets laid.
[Nov 3,2006 2:50pm - hybrid ""]
I recognize the dude with the tongue, and i remember having that brain in the container as an accessory to an action figure when i was a kid.
[Nov 3,2006 3:04pm - the_reverend ""]
the "dude with the tongue" is toad.
[Nov 3,2006 3:13pm - hybrid ""]
soooooorrrrrrryyy king dork. haha.
[Nov 3,2006 4:56pm - BEN NLI  ""]
hybrid said:I recognize the dude with the tongue, and i remember having that brain in the container as an accessory to an action figure when i was a kid.

that was probobly krang from tmnt
[Nov 3,2006 6:35pm - deathamphetamine  ""]
fuck this shit. I think that picture just gave me cancer.
what happened to the good old days? >fart!<
[Nov 3,2006 6:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Maggie, Beak and Toad. That's it.
[Nov 3,2006 6:58pm - blue ""]
christ, and i wonder why i stopped reading comics. look at this shit.
[Nov 3,2006 7:36pm - burnitdown ""]
A One People's Project meeting?
[Nov 3,2006 8:03pm - anonymous  ""]
BEN NLI said:hybrid said:I recognize the dude with the tongue, and i remember having that brain in the container as an accessory to an action figure when i was a kid.

that was probobly krang from tmnt

that's what i thought. the one with the tongue and the others with wings are all baxter stockman.
[Nov 3,2006 8:04pm - DREADkill ""]
that last post was me

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